17: The Mistake

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Today Is The Greatest Day I've Ever Known. Can't Live For Tomorrow, Tomorrow's Much Too Long. I'll Burn My Eyes Out Before I Get Out

Even from the moment I first left my house, I kind of just felt as if something was wrong. Today just felt like the worst of worst days, even from the moment it was initiated. And believe me, I knew what I was talking about - I had a lot of bad days. This one was different and somehow worse in a way that before now I wasn't sure if I even deemed possible.

Today didn't feel ominous in the kind of way my date would, it just felt like there was the inevitability of the whole world fucking up hanging in the balance, and as much as I tried, I just couldn't put that feeling to rest.

And in the school hallways the sound of high heels clicking behind me did nothing but make my spin feel as if it would snap within moments. I stopped at my locker, and then the high heels stopped, leaving me to believe that for a moment, it was nothing more than my dumb and over excited imagination.

But things weren't like that at all.

"Kellin fucking Quinn, huh?" Her voice hit my ears like a cat screech, and I knew instantly as to who she was. I glanced around and scanned over her hair extensions and fake nails - I'd bet that this was Vic's ex-girlfriend. His horrible taste in woman was sickeningly predictable enough to lead me to just know as to whom he could possibly consider dating material.

"That's me." I probably should have claimed that I'd never met myself in my life and took off whilst I still had functioning limbs, but I was stupid bitch and my insides were stinging with emptiness to make me eager to feel anything at all, no matter how much it hurt.

"So you're that fag Vic's obsessed with." Obsessed? That wasn't something I would have reckoned upon. I mean he does seem to over worry, but obsessed was a kind of scary concept and one that was nothing more than a figment of this psycho bitch's imagination.

"I assume so." I shrugged her words off as they meant nothing to me, but in reality the truth differed greatly and far too much more than I'd like to admit.

"Mmm... tell him he should really get a better looking fag next time, especially if he's going to dump someone like me for them."

"What do you mean-"

She just cackled at that, sounding rather like some kind of fucked up witch creature, "work it out, fag." I shivered with her second use of the insult - it kind of hit home considering the whole ordeal that was kind of spinning the entirety of my sanity out of control.

"Stop calling me that - I'm not gay." Okay, it was a lie, but whatever. Lying seemed to be almost necessary these days. I'd be going to hell regardless - it didn't matter at all.



"Are you deaf? I said it's a shame that you can't accept what a filthy little fag you are!" She raised her voice, capturing the attention of a few people nearby.

"Are you really this bitter just over the fact your week long relationship didn't work out?" This girl was quite possibly even more pathetic than Jenny, and I didn't even think that was possible. "How is it even my fault?"

"Well, it's not like it's mine is it, fag?" Some people really need a damn intelligence boost these days, fucking hell.

"Well, considering that you were actually involved in said relationship, there's a higher chance-"

"Shut the fuck up, fag." And here it was again, yet someone stinging harder than the first two times.

"I'm not a fag." I protested, despite the fact that I knew she wouldn't care.

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