Vampier Gerard Way x Neko!reader (request)

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Requested by: chemical_killer13
Warnings: Intense smut and violence
Word Count: 1239

Here you are in your home. Well it's not just your home you share it with really close friends of yours. All of you have one thing in common. Each and everyone of you are nekos. Tonight is a full moon so that means you'll be out as your cat self but it won't just be you guys. The vampires will be there too. From all of the stories the elder nekos have told you, vampires and nekos aren't the closest and friendliest with each other. There is exactly an hour before it's night. You decided to go out earlier than everyone. "Y/n where are you going? It's not time," Stephanie said to you while you put your heels on. "I know I'm just going out a bit early," you replied hoping there will be no further questioning. "Alright just don't forget your choker, you'll be needing this later," Stephanie said. You grabbed your choker from Stephanie and headed out into the woods. As you were walking down the path outside of the house, you heard some trees ruffle. They were ruffling like someone was going into them. You just continued walking ignoring the noises until you heard it again much closer. "Well wouldn't you look at who it is," a male voice said while jumping down from the tree above you. "Who are you," you asked the male. "Oh y/n you don't remember me," he asked. "No I don't. Can I just get going now," you said while pushing past the man. "You're seriously clueless about who I am? It's Pete, Pete Wentz," he said. "Oh sorry I didn't recognize you, I'm used to seeing you covered in blood from your victims," you said slightly laughing. Pete started walking towards you as he was biting his lip. He pushed you onto a tree and started kissing your neck leaving love bites. You let out a slight moan making Pete hard. "Not now Pete I have to go," you said pushing him off of you. "Why are you in such a hurry," he asked you while getting close to you and watching your lips. "You know why, I'll see you later," you said running off. You finally made it out of the woods, alone. Well you at least thought you were alone. You heard more ruffling in the bushes. "Pete if that's you I swear to god," You said into the darkness. Nobody replied. You stood there unsure of what the noise was. You were standing there for a few minutes until you heard a male screaming than a loud groan in pain. You quickly run back to see what happened. You stopped in your tracks when you saw Pete on the ground with silver knife in his chest. "P-Pete oh my god," you said in a state of shock. You tried to shake him awake but it did absolutely nothing. Pete was gone. You started to cry, you and Pete had a little thing going on for a while but nothing was official. You started thinking it was another vampire who killed him because the nekos and vampires were never close.  You decided to run incase whatever killed Pete was after you too. You made it to the city and decided to go to the ally way where your cat cult meets at dark. When you went back there to saw a tall shadow behind you. You quickly whip around hoping to catch whatever it was but there was nothing. You sat down in the far corner where there was no light just waiting for the others. You came out by yourself because it was becoming too much to be in a house with a bunch of females who don't even have the same interests as you. You and Pete were fairly close. He listened to (your favorite band) and wore a lot of (your favorite color). You were lost in thought and didn't see Stephanie standing in front of you. "We saw Pete on our way here. What happened," Stephanie questioned. "I honestly don't know, I-I just heard a scream and when to see what it was coming from," you said holding back tears. "Come here," she said giving you a hug," you'll get another man don't worry". None of you were paying attention to what time it was, and you all turned into your supernatural form. "Come let's go out," Jessie said. You and the other girls go walk around the town until you saw a vampire. It's not just a vampire. It's an extremely attractive vampire. There's a girl near him that I'm not a fan of. She's going to learn to get away from him. You stood there and waited for the man to walk away from the girl. You think the guy's name is Gerard. Well after a few minutes she was all alone. You grabbed the pocket knife you had stored in your boot for some off reason. You sneak up behind her and stood still and held your breath for a few seconds making sure she didn't know you were there. Then boom you stabbed her in the heart. She collapsed to the ground bleeding out of her wound. That's what you get for going near my man you said to the dead body on the ground. You and Gerard were not together or anything but you fancied him like there were no other men on the face of the earth. As you stood there smirking at your work, you didn't see the person standing behind you. They grabbed you and drug you to the ally way. "Why aren't you precious," he said in a deep seductive voice. You let out a slight moan from the thought of his voice. "I like what you did. You did that to get to me didn't you," He said pinning your arms above your head. "You guessed right darling," you said biting your bottom lip and look between his lips and eyes. "I'm Gerard by the way, Gerard Way," he said to you in his low voice. "Mmmmm well Gerard I'm y/n," you said to Gerard as he smashed his lips against yours. He grabbed you thigh and brought your leg to his hip and did the same with your other leg, not breaking the kiss. You tug at his shirt signaling for him to take it off. He whipped his shirt off of his body then took yours off. "Are you sure you want this y/n,"he asked," You know I'm the one who killed Pete right." "Gerard I don't care at all I want you and only you", you said and with that he slipped off you bottoms. He began sucking down your chest and stomach causing you to be a moaning mess. He hurried and slipped his pants off then your underwear. He began thrusting into to you roughly. "Mmm y/n your so tight", Gerard said in between moans. You were a huge moaning mess and Gerard was too. "Gee I'm gon-" "I'm going to also," he said. His thrust started to become sloppy. "Cum for me baby", Gerard said and the both of you reached your highs. "We need to do this more," he said laughing slightly. "We should," you replied.

  I'm sorry this isn't the best
Hopefully you enjoyed xx

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