Frank Iero x child!reader (request)

822 9 6

Requested by: LastThief

⚠️ WARNINGS⚠️: None
📖reader's age📖: 4
Word count: 709

    Today is your dad's concert with his band. He's been on tour for a long time already but today he's in New Jersey, where you and your family live. You and your three older siblings are going to be there with your mom backstage. Cherry and Lily are hoping around backstage with Miles while Jamia, your mom, is talking to your dad's manager. While your family is busy enjoying themselves,you are sitting on top of one of the crates with the extra drum set playing with your stuffed monkey.
    The band is currently talking to the crowd of fans. Talking about how much he appreciates the support from them and they love they give his family. After a few minutes of talking they started to play their next song joyriding. Your older sisters and brother always sing this song with your dad when he's practicing in his office at home. Right after his did his introduction before playing the song, he came and got you, Cherry, Lily, and Miles to go onstage and sing with him. Your sisters and brother went out with no hesitation as the crowd screamed in awe but it frightened you so you ran back and cried. The song began playing and your dad and Miles were singing and Cherry and Lily were dancing. But there you were backstage crying from fear.
    Your dad noticed that only 3 of you guys were out on the stage. So he looked back and saw you, tears streaming down your face as you stood there looking at them. He felt horrible that you were crying so he came over to you as Miles continued singing and your sisters joined him. Since your dad still had to play the guitar he came over to you to comfort you the best he could while playing the guitar with the best of his ability.
"Awe come here y/n is alright." He said to you calmly while looking at you sadly as you continued to cry. Your mom had gone to the tour bus because she thought you were onstage with your dad and siblings singing. "Y/n come here I promise you it'll be okay. Go grab your Mr.Bananas and come here sweetie." your dad said in a soothing voice. You did as he said and grabbed your stuffed monkey Mr.Bananas and went back over to him. Miles, Lily, and Cherry were still singing and dancing their little hearts out as the band played the music. Once you went back over to your dad holding onto your little stuffed monkey like someone was going to take it from you he continued talking to you in a soft soothing voice trying to calm you down. "Oh baby it'll be alright, nobody is going to hurt you. Come here and we'll go out together okay?" he said as he asked the stage manager to put you on his shoulders and carried you out onto the stage. You were still frightened by the many people out there watching you, but you held onto your dad and monkey and went out with him as he continued to play the guitar. The crowd cheered loudly as your dad and yourself went to sing with you brother and sisters. The loud roar startled you and it made you jump a little bit but your dad, Frank, reassured you'd alright and nobody is going to hurt you. You started to get comfortable and clapped your hands to the beat which made the entire band and all of the fans to have a huge smiles on their faces. Frank lowered himself down since you were still on his shoulders and put you to where you could sing along with Miles. You started singing but not all of it was real words since you couldn't speak the best still since you're still learning. Shortly after you were singing it was time to leave. Your dad lead all 4 of you guys back to the tour bus where your mom was waiting for you guys.

(Okay so this is my first time writing a child!reader. I'm so sorry that it's not the best. Hopefully you liked it.)

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