Frank Iero oneshot *SMUT*

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You, Mikey, Gerard, and Ray just ended another school day. Frank wasn't with you guys because he always skips. You and Gerard walk side by side talking about new songs he wrote for the band. "Hey y/n," Mikey calls from behind you. "Yes Mikey", you reply. "Umm do you think you can go get Frank and meet us at our usual hang out place", He asks sweetly. "Yeah I'll go get him and Mikes you don't need to make it seem like our hang out place is so special. It's literally a scrap yard that we go to to get drunk, stoned, or both", you say running off to Franks house. Secretly you were anxious about going to Frank's. None of the guys knew but you had a huge crush of him since you first met. You were too scared to say anything to anyone because you didn't know if he felt the same.
  You walk up Frank's driveway and see no cars. You've assumed his mom left for work already. You walk into his house because it's like your second home. All of the guys and you come here if you can't go to the scrap yard. Once you walk in you hear moaning. "Does he have a girl over",you questioned yourself. You decided to walk towards the noise but hear no female. Then you hear Frank moan your names. "Ohhh y/n, mmm", you heard Frank moan. You walk into his room and he quickly grabs the blanket to cover himself. "Oh u-uh y/n, I ummm", Frank says turning beat red. "Frankie it's fine", you say sitting down on his bed. "It-it's just I r-really li-love you y/n, I didn't have the guts to say anything and here you are finding out by walking in on my jerking off", he said while as red as a tomato.
  "I love you too Frank", you say as you both inch forward towards each others lips. "Ever since the first day I met you", you say as you and Frank's lips meet. Your small kiss turns into a heated make out. Frank flips you over onto the bed giving you love bites along your neck. "Is this okay", Frank says waiting for consent before removing your jeans. You nod your head yes and he begins stripping you from your clothes while kissing you passionately in between.

*im not finishing this because Ive become a bit too uncomfortable*
-Starting off the new year with a simple out of my comfort zone Fronk Oreo smut-
ALSOOO (shameless self promo) I have a shitty YouTube channel Kayla Grier but you will probably find it under Emo Freak Meme Lover. It's full of emo trash but no Melanie Martinez. I'm not even gonna go there.

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