Josh Dun x Female!reader Part 3

141 1 0

Part: 3
Setting: Forest
Warnings: None
Word Count:

-Reader's POV-
Josh carried you on his shoulders for quite a while now. It's been about 4 hours and there is no sight of Tyler..... or an exit. "Josh it's been hours since we took a break. We haven't even even found a way out of here. It's like this forest is never ending", you said to Josh awfully fast. "Y/n I know, I know. Do you think we can see where we're at from a gps on our phones," Josh questioned putting you down gently on a tree (Patrick) stump. You take your backpack off and grab your phone out of the side pocket. You turn your phone on and go straight to the maps. "JOSH WE CAN SEE WHERE WE'RE AT AND THERE IS SIGNAL", you yell and jump up for excitement and shock. "REALLY",
Josh says with extreme excitement.

Heyyyyoooo sorry I haven't been on in months. I'm trying to get everything put together for this book. I'll probably update this book more next year. Happy Christmas and a Joyful New Year xx

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