Josh Dun x Female!reader Part two

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Part: Two
Setting: Forest
Warnings: None
Word Count: 377

-nobody's point of view-
   Josh was humming along to a tune in his head. A song he knew since he was really little. Y/n was calling out for Tyler as Josh carried her in his shoulders. She was getting tired of walking quickly.

-Reader's point of view-
   Josh picked you up off of your feet because you were complaining from walking too long. "TYLER", you yelled out. "He has to be out here somewhere", Josh said dimly. "I hope he's alri— wait a minute. We should be out of here by now Josh. What if we are forever stuck in this forest til we die", you said on the verge of tears. "Shh shhhhh y/n it'll be alright. We'll find Tyler and we'll go home", Josh said soothingly trying to calm you down.

-Josh's Point Of View-
Y/n started to get extremely sad and sacred, she didn't say anything I- I just can tell. It's kind of like a best friend instinct. "I hope he's alri— wait a minute. We should be out of here by now. What if we're stuck in this forest til we die", y/n said on the verge of tears. "Shh shhhhh y/n it'll be alright. We'll find Tyler and we'll go home", I said in a soft voice trying to calm her down. I feel terrible for her because she's been calling out for Tyler for a while now. It's been hours since we've seen him last. Personally I'm getting very worried but I'm not going to show it. I know y/n is sensitive to things like sadness for example. One thing I've learned about her is her anxiety. I've always been careful with her because I personally know how it feels. I had my first panic attack before my first live concert.

First off I want to say I'm really thanks for the 3k reads on this book. You guys are insane. Also I want to give an update schedule. I'm probably only going to do 2-3 update on the book a week. I have tons and tons of school work to do and I have many appointments. Hope you guys understand xx

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