Gerard Way x Frank Iero x Reader part 2 **smut

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Gerard 💦❤: hey babe?
You: hmm??
Frankie🍆💘: we have a video shoot today do you wanna come?
You: sure 😇 what time?
Gerard 💦❤: 12
You: 12!! ITS ALREADY 11:30!!
Frankie🍆💘: sorry doll. still gonna show?
Gerard💦💘: please kitten? we can get lunch after
You: lunch? okay fine. see you in 20.
Gerard sent you the address and you slowly stood up and stretched. You went into the closet and pulled out a black skirt and a tight black v neck. You grabbed Gerard and Frank's favorite set of lingere. You rushed into the bathroom and quickly showered, making sure to shave and wash your hair. You dressed and did your make-up, heavily lining your water line, for later. You put on your brightest red lipstick and hurried to grab your socks and shoes, a pair of thigh highs and heels. You grabbed your phone and purse and headed out.
As you pulled up to the shoot you smoothed out your skirt and headed to the back door. The gaurd looked you over and asked for identification. You pulled out your ID and told him who you were. He let you in and lead you to the main room where everyone was already on stage. The song they were shooting for, Teenagers, played over the loud speakers as everyone stood around. You watched Frank tuning his guitar. He wore a hood and had his hair hanging in front of his face. His prominent jawline. Just the thought of leaving kisses along it made you fidget. Gerard caught sight if you and felt his breath catch. You wore their favorite outfit. You gave him and little wave and blew a kiss. He nudged Frank and motioned towards to. He gave you a smirk. You sat down in a chair and watched. You politely ignored the skimpy outfits the cheerleaders wore as they danced around your boyfriends.
"Alright! Cut!" The director yelled wrapping up the day. As Gerard and Frank headed into the back to put away their things you stood up and adjusted your skirt. Mikey came out and saw you. He gave you a quick hug and you began small talk. You felt Gerard and Frank come up behind you. Frank put his hand on your lower back. He slowly let it wander down and grabbed your ass before quickly removing it. You said you goodbyes to everyone and quickly got in your car. Frank sat in the passenger seat and watched you. You looked over at him and smiled.
"What babe?" You said looking in the mirror at Gerard who tssked. Frank placed a hand on your leg and lifted up your skirt.
"You know we cant resist this outfit." He said watching your hands grip the wheel tighter.
"Well you guys cant seem to resist me in any outfit." You said laughing and turning down your street. You pulled up to the apartment and stopped the car.
"You know this specific outfit makes my cock harder than anything." Gerard said catching your eyes in the mirror. You turned to look at both of them. Franks eyes were dark and pericing. He licked his lips and pushed his hand farther up and exposed you red lace panties. He sucked in a breath and smirked.
"Inside. Now. I want you on the bed. Clothes off. Keep the heels." Frank said cooly. You gave them a sly smile and existed the car. You went inside the apartment and left the door unlocked. You hurried to the room and threw off your shirt and skirt. You got on your knees on the bed and waited excitedly. You heard the door open and close and footsteps slowly approach the room. You watch Gerard slowly open the door and Frank follow him in. They looked over you and tssked.
"Told you. Clothes off doll." Frank said pulling off his hoodie.
"But I know how much you like to take it off." You said feeling the pool in your panties grow at the sight of their bulges. Gerard chuckled and nodded.
"You got us there." He said sitting on the edge of the bed. You began to crawl towards him and he pulled you into his lap. "But you still should have listened." He said lowly in your ear. You faced him and hungrily kissed his lips. He slowly pushed your hips down onto him and helped you rock back and forth.
Frank came up behind you and uncliped your bra. You pulled it off and let his calloused hands reach around and tweak your nipples between his fingers. You whined and bucked against Gerard who pulled away from the kiss. He watched you frantically use his leg to get off.
"Im gonna cum right here if you keep that up." He said. Frank stopped touching you and stepped back to let you stand up. Gerard quickly shed his clothes and walked you to the edge of the bed. He laid you down and pulled off your panties. He slowly slid into you and shuttered. You pulled him deeper and Frank reached to rub your clit. You looked over at him and replaced his hand around himself with yours. He groaned and let you jack him off as Gerard fucked you. You moved to put his cock in your mouth. Every thrust pushed Frank farther down your throat, making him groan and grip your hair. Gerard bent down to suck your nipple harshly. He bit down sending a groan of both pain and pleasure ripping out of your throat. Frank's hips jolted forward at the sensation.
"Oh fuck baby." He moaned, his mouth dropping open in an 'o' as he slowly thrusted into your mouth. You helped him and added your hand. He whimpered as his eyes screwed shut. Gerards thrusts suddenly become harsh and deep. You glanced over to see Gerard's gaze transfixed on Frank. More specifically on his mouth. He snapped out of his trance as he came, spilling into you. He held you to his hips until his orgasm was over. Franks pressure on your clit made you shake as you came. He followed suit and you swallowed. You slowly sat up and looked at their flushed cheeks and sweaty faces made you smile.
"I love you guys. You know that?" You said standing up. Gerard slapped your ass playfully as you walked past him.
"We love you too." He said gathering his clothes and throwing them in a pile with yours. You looked over your shoulder at him and thought of his staring at Frank.
"I'm gonna go get us some food. Chinese okay?" Frank said gathering his jeans and putting them on.
"Yeah that sound good." Gerard said throwing him his shirt. Frank kissed the corner of your mouth and headed out the door. When the front door shut you turned to Gerard.
"Oh hey Gee can I ask you something?" You asked pulling out one of Franks shirts and new panties. He nodded. "Do you wanna fuck Frank?" You asked watching his eyes widen a little.
"Well uh..yeah if you guys were up to it." He said picking up his underpants and putting them on clumsily.
"I'd be down." You said catching him off guard.
"Do you think Frank would be cool with that?" Gerard asked picking up his jacket and pulling out his pack of cigs. He found his lighter and put a cig in his mouth and threw the box on the bed. He headed towards the sliding door to the balcony and opened it.
"Maybe he will. Why don't we try it?" You said stretching and thinking about a shower.
"Alright. When he gets back. Kid can never say no to round two." He said lighting the cigarette. You watch as he took a long drag and decided to hurry and shower before Frank got back with the food.

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