Partick Stump fluff *short*

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   Patrick has been really stressed out ever since the band started working on their new album. They have to create multiple songs in under a month then they can only choose one to record. The process goes on for many months as so you learned.

   You felt terrible seeing your boyfriend like this. Since Patrick has been under a lot of stress and pressure you decided to make a day where he can wind down and take a break.

   You woke up early so you could make Patrick breakfast in bed. You made him the fluffiest pancakes, oatmeal, and a bowl of strawberries and blueberries with a mug of coffee and a glass of orange juice.

   Shortly after you finished breakfast for Patrick he woke up and you brought it to him. He thanked you dearly. You both spent the rest of the day in bed watching movies until you both fell asleep in each other's arms at the end of the day.

Terrible I know, it's been a while since I updated so I came back with something small. I'm thinking of making a book with my opinions on the American government and wars that could be uprising with America. If some of you'd like to see that let me know and I'll gladly do it. (Nobody probably wants to hear about 'politics' anymore)

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