Josh Dun x female!reader Part One

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Part: One
Setting: Forest
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 507

   -reader's point of view-

   Here you are lost in the middle of a forest. You agreed to go with your friends Josh and Tyler into the forest go exploring. It didn't go as planned. You heard someone or something then a scream so you all ran. You have no clue where they boys are or if they stuck together. You climbed up a tree and sat on a thick branch for a while. After a little you had the idea of calling Josh. You grabbed your phone and saw you had no signal. "This is just fucking great", you said to yourself. You pulled your backpack off of your back and pulled out (your favorite snack) and ate all of it. You started getting sick to your stomach after eating all of the (your favorite snack). "If today couldn't get any worse", you mumbled to yourself. You jumped down from your tree branch and walked around for a little bit. You heard someone singing a familiar song. "Josh", you half whispered half yelled. "Y/n", he said excitedly running towards you. "Have you seen Tyler anywhere", Josh asked worried. Josh and Tyler have been friends for as long as you could remember. All three of you have become friends when you first came to their middle school. The three of you became unbeatable. You treated each other like family.

-Josh's point of view-

  "Josh", I heard a female voice whisper. I looked to see y/n standing there looking to see who I was. "Y/n", I said excited to see her. "Have you seen Tyler anywhere", I asked worried. I was hoping Tyler went with y/n. I didn't want anything to happen to either of them. Especially y/n I caught feelings for her in middle school. Here we are as adults acting like children and me still liking her. I'm too scared to say anything to her because I don't want to ruin our friendship. "We should try and find out way back. Tyler can't be too far from us. We all sort of ran the same way", y/n said starting get extremely worried. "Yeah you're right he can't be too far", I said starting to get sad seeing her worry. We started walking the direction we think is the way we entered the woods.

-nobody's point of view-
  Y/n and Josh started walking the way they thought was the way back. Both of them are starting to get extremely worried about their best friend Tyler. Tyler was not close to them just as they thought. Josh starting humming tunes of a song he knew sing he was extremely small.

I'm going to start a mini series of a Josh Dun x Female!reader. This is just part one and I have many to come. I will still take requests on anything. I will also be posting random zodiacs soon so watch if for those. Have a nice day xx

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