2: fears

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• Raven •

We all went back home on our bikes. The arcade closed early today so no staying until seven. I grabbed my keys and opened the house door. I saw both of my parents sitting on the couch drinking and smoking. I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed two sodas, some chips, and gummy bears.

Richie was in our room setting up the game. When we were bored we played a game similar to truth or dare. I called it  'confess or be stressed'.

We roll dice and if it's an even number you have to confess something really embarrassing. If you roll an odd number you have to do something really stressful.

Richie waved the two dice in the air. I sat down across from him on the floor.

"You go first. I'm going to start eating the bears." He opens the bag and I let the dice decide my number. Yeah his mouth is really big to fit at least half of the bag in it.


" 'fess up sis. Something interesting." He rubbed his hands in a way that makes him look like he is plotting something.

"Let's see. Okay. Got it. One time in the fourth grade I accidentally kissed Bill."

"No way. In all those three years we played this and now you want to tell me."

"Oh come on. You go. But have you had your first kiss yet?" Right away I saw his face go red.

"You haven't had it yet?!" I laughed so much I couldn't breathe.

"Ravennn! It's not funny." He complained. It totally is.

"Holy shit dude. All those days of flirting did no good." He pulled out his middle finger. That made me laugh even more.

He then rolled the dice.


"Stressful. Alright. Delete your progress on all your games" His mouth opened. 

"Oh hell no. No way, never I would do that."
He shook his head 'no' repeatedly

"You got to face the stress." I grabbed his controller and placed on his palm.

Richie gave me the 'puppy dog' look and pout. I shrugged and and turned on the screen. He closed his eyes when he pressed the button.

"Done." I say when every single game is cleared.

"You are a monster Raven. A video game monster."

"Nice to be recognized." I dramatically flipped my hair. I rolled the dice again and we played a few more rounds before bed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up in the middle of the night to a sound coming from outside of the room. I got off my bed and grabbed a book to defend myself.

I found myself standing in complete darkness.

I wasn't home at all

No one was there.

I saw a red balloon in the corner of my eye.

As it popped I faced a clown.

A scary fucking clown.

I wanted to scream but my voice was gone.

I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't budge.

IT then took shape of Wentworth, my dad.

"You are so stupid! You can never do anything right! How are you my daughter? You are a disgrace!"

Immediately, tears fell.

My dad disappeared and came on was my mom, Maggie.

"I wish you were never born. Both you and your brother. I don't know what I did wrong to deserve you. You kids are insane!"

She faded and took the shape of Stanley.

"How could you?! Why did you let it get to me? I knew you were a bad influence. Stay away from me!"

More tears fell.

Richie soon was in front of me

"You ruined everything. You took away my friends. You left me out, leaving me alone. Now I am leaving you!"

It wasn't Richie's face, well it was but starting to decompose and growing fangs for teeth.

Everyone else I saw was going through the same thing

Their voices were also getting deeper and demonic.

They all formed around me. Bill and Eddie too.

Repeating the only sentence I fear;

'I am leaving you'

The clown behind me saying

"You'll float too!"

I finally got the nerve to scream


- - - - - - - - -

"Wake up Raven! Raven! Get up!" I felt hands against my face.

"Ow. What the hell?" I say still half asleep and terrified.

I opened my eyes and saw I was on the hallway floor.

"Raven, did you have a nightmare?" Here is the thing. When I was younger I slept walk when I had a bad dreams.

Somehow the fear turns into energy to make me walk while I sleep.

"Yeah. But not that bad." Lies

"What about?" He helps me up. Shit

"We all died from the Apocalypse." Umm what? "From robotic aliens." Lies

"Wow. That's not scary. That's weird. Anyways get dressed. We got to meet up at Ed's."

This was really depressing, well shit.
I hope y'all forgive me for this.

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