12: No Next Time, Bill!

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"You did this! You know how delicate he is." The next thing we knew, Eds's mom was yelling at us. She forces Eddie into her car as I tried to reach out for him. "Go back."

"We were attacked, Mrs. K." Bill says. 

"Oh don't try to blame anyone else." Mrs. K closed the car door and fumbled with her keys. 

"Let me-" Beverly tries to help, picking up the keys the angry woman had dropped. 

"Get back!" She retrieves her keys from the ground. "Oh, I heard about you Miss Marsh and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son. Or any girl you heard me, Tozier?"

"Who the hell do you think you are? Yelling at us for something we didn't do." I fight back. I wasn't going to let anyone talk to my friends like that.

"Watch your mouth young lady!"

"Mrs.K, I-" Bill tries to make Mrs. K believe him. 

"No. All of you are monsters. All of you. Now Eddie's done with you,you hear me? Done." The pissed woman got in her car and drove off with my best friend. 

"Can you believe her? What a bitch." I followed my friends onto the middle of the empty road,

"I saw the well," Bill announces."W-w-w-we know where it is an-and next time we'll be better prepared." Did he just? After what happened before? I think not.

"No! No next time, Bill!" Stan cries his face getting red. "You're insane."

"Why? We all know nobody's going to do anything." Beverly states.

"Then why us, Beverly? Huh? Why do we have to do something?" I was furious with everything that had happened in there. I was never going to go back in there

"Yeah, Eddie was nearly killed and look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie motions his arms towards the evidence. Ben's shirt was ripped and now stained red.

"We can't just pretend it's going away. Ben, you said it yourself it comes back every 27 years." 

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here!" Ben was frustrated. " I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too." 

"Because I want to runs towards something, not away." 

"I'm sorry but who brought Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie asks who is very tired of Beverly trying to defend Bill. Beverly flips him off. 

"Richie please don-" I start.

"I'm just saying, let's face facts, real world. Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too." Richie walks up to Bill. 

"Seriously, Richie. Why can't once in your life listen to me?" 

"Stay out of this, Raven." Stanley whispers to me and pulls me back by my arm. 

"Georgie is not dead." Bill says angrily. 

"You couldn't save him but you could still save yourself. Let's go, Raven." Richie tries to walk away but Bill stepped in his way.

"No t-t-take it back,you're scared and we all are but take it back." Bill pushes Richie and he does the same to Bill, starting a fight. A fight that led to my brother being punched in the face and falling on the ground.

"What the hell, Bill?" I picked up my brother, Mike and Stanley helping me. 

"You are a bunch of losers." Richie exclaims. "You're a bunch of losers trying to get us killed while trying to catch a clown." Richie tries to come back at Bill. Stan and Mike holding him back and Ben holding back Bill. 

"Richie, Bill, Stop!" I yell "Stop it already!" My brother calms down and shoves off all arms off him.

"This is what IT wants. IT wants to divide us." Beverly says. "We were all together, when we all heard it. That's why were still alive!" 

"Yeah? Well I plan to keep it that way." Richie and I walk away with Stanley. Richie's shoulder bumping into Bill's. 

"I'm sorry Beverly. I can't do this." I apologized. By her facial expression I could tell she felt betrayed. 

"Raven?" Stanley calls out. 

"I really am sorry. You are still my friend even though I'm probably not yours." I walk away to Stanley. We grabbed our bikes and rode back home. 

- - - - - - - - - - 

It's been a few days since the losers's club was together. Stanley and I still talked to each other. Beverly hasn't spoken to me since later that day, she called and told me I was still her friend. Eddie got a cast and he only talked to me in secret. We sneak out and we talk about what happened. Only he knows about my relationship with Stanley.

The good news was that I got asked out by Stan. We went on two dates so far and I'm happy. He's so sweet and adorable. Speaking of adorable, I got to see him become a 'man'. Well, Richie and I. Things were still awkward between them but we still went. 

"Raven, can I ask you something?" Richie asks me as we walked out the synagogue after I talked to Stan. 


"Are you and Stanley uh a thing?" Shit. He knew. How could he have known? I played it cool.

"What do you mean? There is no thing." I got in the car so Richie would stop annoying me. 

" 'There is no thing?' I know you're lying. You can't even look at me." He opens the other side of the car and gets in. 

"I am not lying, Rich. Just let it go." I looked at him straight in the eye. 

"If you says so. Just know that I'm okay with it." My eyes widen in excitement. I hugged and thanked him not realizing I blew off my cover. 

"Shit. I just admitted it." 

"HA! Just as long as he doesn't do anything to hurt you."

"He won't. And I know that."

- - - - - - - - - - 

aww i added this to add a little happiness to this poor child who has gone through so much since tomorrow is Christmas. I love this. anywhoo thanks for reading my beauties. <3 okay no that sounded creepy. Thanks for reading frenss

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