10: Neibolt

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Just before this starts I just wanted to say, my mom walked in and saw me typing up the last chapter. She knows i write this shit. Also im becoming slowly obsessed w/ New kids On The Block again. gotta love life :D *sarcasm* sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out I forgot to post last week


"IT saw us and knows where we are!" Eddie realizes, terrified of what It might do. 

"IT always knew. Alright, Stan let's go." Bill walks out of the garage.

"Go? Go where?" Ben asked Bill.

"Neibolt. That's where G-G-Georgie is."

"After that?" Stan finally says.

"Yeah. It's summer. We should be outside." Richie adds.

"If you say summer one more f-fucking time." Bill angrily took his bike and pedaled to Neibolt.


- - - - - - - - - - 

"Bill! Bill!" I called out to him while he was walking up the steps.

"You can't go in there. This is crazy." Beverly says to Bill dropping her bike on the concrete. 

"Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran, or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't." We all stood silently. 

I felt guilty. We can't let another child go missing. Not if the child meant so much to so many people. 

"I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't. So walking into this house for me is easier than walking into my own." Bill turns around and walked towards the entrance.

"Wow." Richie says

"What?" Beverly asks not getting what Richie was amazed by. 

I told her, "He didn't stutter once." 

- - - - - - - - - -

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky we aren't measuring dicks in here."

"Shut up Richie." Eddies says obviously done with his constant inappropriate comments. 

Richie, Eddie and I walked in behind Bill. The inside of the house looked way worse than the outside. Every inch of the house is covered by cobwebs and dead vines. 

Even the smell was worse.

"Smells like dry blood and dead, everything." I complained.  

"I can smell that." Eddie adds. 

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie warns.

"How come?"

"'Cause then you are eating it." Eddie gags and took out his inhaler. I was walking until I saw a piece of paper in the webs. I untangled it and examined the sheet.

A missing kid poster. With Richie's face on it. 

"What is that?" 

"Nothing. It's rea-" Richie snatched the paper out of my hand.

"It says I'm missing." Richie says clearly upset. That's an understatement. He was terrified. 

"Y-Y-You're not missing, Richie." Bill assures.

"Last place seen was Derry. Then why does it say right here? It's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face-"

"Calm down this isn't real" 

"-that's my name, that's my age, that's the date-" Bill struggles to take the paper out of Richie's hands while Eddie and I stare in horror. "What the fuck?! It says that i'm missing. Am I missing?! Will I disappear?!"

"Take it easy Richie. Calm down. Look at me, Richie. Look at me." Bill placed his thin hands on Richie's. "This isn't real. IT's playing tricks on you." 

He had calmed down and we were all calm. For two seconds. We all heard a distant feminine  'Hello'. I walked to the stairs when it called again.


I looked at the cobweb covered wooden stairwell. The voice begged, "Help me, please." 

I slowly walked up the dirty steps before anyone else to the second floor of the house. There were a few metal things lying around. I came to a stop when I heard coughing. Far across from me, a girl was lying on her stomach only her face showing from the small opening of the door. She saw me and I knew immediately who it was. Betty Ripsom. A large screech came over my ears and Betty was pulled faster than I could blink my eyes. 

I walked slowly, watching where I was stepping, to the room where Betty was in. I approached and entered. The room was empty except for a mattress on the floor and chips of wood. There was no sign or trace of Betty.  

"She was just here. Where'd the fuck she go?" Richie asks confused. I was also. We all saw her and now she is not here at all. I turned around seeing Eddie at the far end of the hallway. 

"Eddie!" I called. The door was closing. 

"Raven!" The door was now closed shut.

"Eddie! What's going on?!" I kept turning the knob on the door and pulling and pushing trying to get a hold of Eds. 

"Eddie, open the door." Bill took over my spot and was doing the exact same thing. 

"Are you okay? What's going on?" I banged on the door harder. My hand hurt like hell. 

"Eds! Eddie! Open up!" Bill yells.

"What if he is not fine? Bill what are we going to do?" I was on the verge of crying. 

"I think he is fine, Raven. we just have to find a way to get open this door. A door slammed and I had realized Richie was not with us. He is trapped in another room. 

"Richie! Richie!" I turned the knob. Locked just like the other one. "Come one, Richie open the door."

"It won't open!"

"Richie, what's going on?" Tears started falling down my face as I messed with the door. 

"I can't!"

"Open the door Rich." Bill orders. He took my spot again. I stood behind him and watched as my brother was probably being tortured behind the locked door. I slid down the wall behind me with my knees covering my face. I sobbed for what seemed for so long. I looked up and saw nothing.

A dark endless nothing. 

Yep. I ended this chapter like this. thanks for reading up to this point tho. I appreciate youu <3

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