4: Beverly

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❇ Raven ❇

We rode our bikes as fast as we can with the boy riding with Bill. Eddie lecturing us about the dangers of taking care of the poor child. As soon as we were in town, we set down the boy on a wooden crate in an alley.

"Okay, Richie stay here." Bill ordered."Come on."

The rest of us ran to the store. Eddie started grabbing a bunch of stuff that I didn't know were needed to heal a bleeding human.

"You think we can afford all that?" Bill asked Stanley. I looked at the money he has on his hands. Definitely not.

"It's all we have."

"Don't you have an account here?" Bill asked Eddie, his arms full of items.

"If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff, I will spend the rest of the week in the emergency room." 

"I'm going to look for another way." I say to the guys. They all look at me weird. "What? I know what I'm doing"

I have stolen a few things here and there. Again, parents. I turn back and go two aisles on the right.

There stood a girl. About my age, an inch taller, red hair, I'm guessing confused on which feminine towel to get.

"Been there. My brother wasn't much help." I say. She jumped a little. "Sorry I startled you."

"It's alright. Help me?" The girl asked

"Sure. My name is Raven Tozier by the way." I put my hand out.

"Beverly Marsh." She shook my hand. "Wait so your brother actually tried to help you with this?"

"Yeah. I told him it was girl stuff. But he knows a lot. He went along. Long story short he doesn't want to be near me for that time."

She laughed. I knew instantly I was making a new best friend.

- - - - - - - - - -

Beverly got her pick and we walked to where my friends were.

They all stared at Beverly, making her hide the tampons.

"Guys I think I found a way." I presented Beverly with jazz hands. Something then fell out of Eddie's arms.

I felt uncomfortable. It was obvious the guys liked her by all the staring.

"What is going on with you?" Beverly asks.

"None of your business." Stan responds automatically.

"There is a kid outside that looks like someone killed him." Eddie says quickly.

"Way to go Eds." I pick up one of the things in his arms, confused on what its used for. I gave him a confused look, placing it back where it was. 

"B-But we don't have any m-money." 

"That is my favor. Can you help us Beverly?" I ask the red head, smiling convincingly. 

"Fine, but you'll have to go with me."

- - - - - - - - - -

"I like your glasses Mr. Keene. You look just like Clark Kent." I heard Beverly say to the old man behind the counter.

"Well I don't know about that." He laughed. Well I know one thing, this is pretty gross.

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