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Jerome's Pov (Ha! Didn't see that coming HEY!)

                "Hey biggums! What are we still doing out here?" I called over my shoulder at Mitch. 

"I just feel something different around here, ok? Dude, come on you gotta feel it too!" He shouted back. I sighed. Thinking I might make some use of the time we were wasting here I took out my betty and sat down, stroking the edge gently. "Hey man." A sudden tap on my shoulder brought me spinning around to a familiar face.

"Biggums!" I yelled with mock anger. He leaned forward to give me a slight peck on the cheek.

"C'mon now dude, you can't stay mad at me." He replied with a smirk. I playfully hit his shoulder and continued walking down the path we were on.

"So what is this "feeling" you're getting anyways?" I asked. He furrowed his eyebrows together and scrunched up his nose, a deep look of concentration on his face.

"I-I-I don't know actually. I just feel something, or someone. Like they're watching us from behind a bush." Mitch stuttered, his hands clenching together harder and harder. "They could be anywhere, or it could be anywhere, but I'm feeling like I'm really connected to something here." He gazed up at me with those big eyes and asked "Do you believe me Jerome?"

"Always." I lifted his chin up and set down my axe. "I will always believe you Mitch." He winked tears out of his eyes and stared up at me

"Jerome, I d-."  He tensed up and pulled out his iron sword. I immediately lowered to the ground and listened to the wind. Wait no, not the wind. A faint noise hit my eardrums and I reached on my back for Betty. He nodded his head toward a bush on the side of the dirt trail.  A small rustling came from within it.

"Hey you! Come out! We can see you!" Mitch shouted fiercely. But I was greeted by a voice I thought I may never hear again.




anyways hope you guys like this chapter! I may be starting a new story soon with Jason/TrueMU and an OC(Girl btw). AND ALSO!!!! 95 READSSSSSS!!!!!! CAN WE MAKE IT 100??? HMMMMMMM!!!!   oh and I have something for you guys next time but it be surprise! AHEHEHEH

See u l8r allig8ters cause im not cool and only have stupid names

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