It's A Date.

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Mitch's POV

I cradled Jerome close in my arms. "Mitch?" He mumbled.

"Yeah Biggums?" I responded lightly pecking his nose. I could feel him blush slightly.

"Do you, um, know where my hat is?" He muttered, his voice hinted with a bit of shame for wanting his hat. I smiled slightly knowing he would ask that soon enough. I pulled the soft woolen cap out of my large hoodie pocket and slipped it on his head.

"All better?" I replied slyly as he tugged the hat down his head.

"Much." He stated and dipped his small head into my chest. His eyes twinkled before he shut them closed for the night. I tipped my head towards the clock on the wall and realized it was nearly 10 PM, and that I hadn't slept for days. I smirked a bit at my own stubbornness of not sleeping until Jerome was awake and let my eyelids droop down heavily to a restful sleep.

Sky's POV

Ty was sleeping next to me when we heard the news. Jerome was awake and he was fine. I carefully slid out from underneath ty and laid his head and the back of the seat. "Going to see your friend?" a nurse asked me, I nodded in affirmation. I knew exactly which room he was in, 147. I peeked my head through the door to find Jerome with his bacca hat on and his head tucked securely into Mitch's chest, both of them sound asleep. An aw escaped my lips and I silently closed the door and returned back to my own little love.

Ashley's POV

It was now morning and I had been up for a long time now. A shuffle from the swinging doors made me jerk my head up. "Ashley!" Jason squealed. He squealed. I couldn't get over it. He embraced me in another large hug and started speaking "The nurse came this morning and gave me your drawing! It was amazing! And they said we could do anything we want today so I have an idea!" he was pulling me off the ground and before I knew it I could feel the dense hospital air becoming lighter as he whirled me through the halls. He bust open a door and jumped down onto what I was assuming was his bed. "I want you to meet someone!" he cried with joy. I hopped down onto the bed next to him.

"But I don't see anyone?" I replied, who was he talking about?

"Enza! I brought my new friend!" he yelled. "Ashley meet Enza." He stated, pointing to, well nothing. I didn't know how to respond. Why did he think someone was I noticed a sign attached to the wall as we flew into his room, "Mental Ward" did that mean?

"Wow! It's so nice to meet you Enza!" I replied, shakily might I add. Jason beamed at me.

"Enza says she's really happy to meet you! She's kinda shy so she doesn't talk much" He explained. He grabbed hold of my hand. "I want to show you something so beautiful you will never be able to believe in anything else again." He looked me dead in the eye, a tone of seriousness taking over. I nodded. He instantly brightened up. "I'll see you today at 7 then!" he smiled through his words.

"It's a date."


ehhhhhh I've decided I'm going to be posting roughly around once a week, maybe more sometimes,and if I get too busy during the school year then maybe less! LUV YOU ALL!

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