Learn Something New Every Day

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Mitch's POV

I dropped my sword and jumped up. "Biggums?" I cried. Sky popped out of the bush and engulfed me in a friendly hug. I stood stiff for a minute before softening into his embrace. I opened my eyes and noticed a scrawny boy wearing a pair of headphones. He stared at me, frightened.

"Who's this, Sky?" Jerome gestured towards the boy. Sky released me and kneeled down to the boy.

"It's all good Ty. These guys won't hurt you. They're some of my old friends." Sky assured him. Old friends. I'd say a bit more than that. He introduced the boy, I mean Ty, to me and Jerome and we both waved in unison. I gulped. Ty leapt off the ground and wrapped us both in a big hug.

"Any friends of Sky's are friends of mine!" he exclaimed. I let out a breath I had been holding. We set our weapons down and gazed at the pair.

"So, what are you two doing out here anyways?" Jerome acquired. Their faces noticeably fell.

"Later." Sky gave us a promising look and we nodded.

"Sure biggums! For now let's head back to our base. Try and keep up!" Jerome bolted down a lightly trodden path, leaving us in the dirt.

"Oh, it is so on!" I yelled chasing after him. "C'mon guys!" Sky and Ty shrugged their shoulders and followed.

Jerome's POV

I was at the house long before any of them, not even out of breath. I put Betty on her special place on the wall and started a small fire. Soon enough it grew larger and larger, engulfing anything in it's way. I was still gazing into it's heart when the guys walked in.

"Uhh, Jerome?" Ty asked. I snapped my head back.

"Oh yeah, just uhh getting a fire started." I lied partly. "Make yourselves at home!" We gathered together some snacks and sat around the fire.

"Soo." Mitch said.

"Yeahhh." Sky answered.

"Tell us your story." I demanded. Ty snuggled into Sky, oh wait. I exchanged a knowing glance with Mitch.

"Well Ty was in some trouble at home so I came to help. I realised that it wasn't safe for us there anymore so we left into the woods a few days ago. I never expected to see you guys out here. I thought" He swallowed. "I thought you were dead." Sky explained.

"Well, not dead." I said and pointed to myself "You, Mitch?"

"Pretty sure I'm alive." He answered.

"I think we're good on this whole living thing so how about we go to bed. Bacca needs his sleep!" I said. "G'night!" Me and Mitch left to our room and collapsed in our bed. "Sooo, busy day huh?" I said sarcastically. Mitch sighed.

"Well you learn something new every day." He said, prompting me to continue. I leaned over to face him.

"Well, what did you learn today?" I smiled. He smirked.

"I'm alive."


Heyyyyyyyy. Sorry I'm not updating as frequently lately. First my computers taken away and then I find an amazing thing called the wattpad app. OOOOOHHH! AHHHH! Delightfulness(It a word. I pwomise.) anyways! I hope you guys like this chapter because I think it might be my best yet. Mostly because of MMMMMEEEEEERRRRROOOOMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Don't worry I'm not a crazy merome shipper . . . *photoshops Mitch and Jerome *evily grins . . . MUHAHAHAH! Anyways hope you likey this thingie mc bobber and stuff so yeah

See u l8r allig8ters!

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