New Friends, And Old Friends

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Ty's POV

I tightly squeezed my arms around Sky's shoulders and he set off. I honestly didn't know why I was being carried. "Hey Sky? Why are you carrying me?" I inquired. He smiled slightly and slowed down his pace.

"Because I love to hold you." He stated simply. My cheeks heated up a bit and I snuggled in closer.

"Love you Sky." I mumbled into his back, earning a small chuckle from him. The gentle swaying eventually set me to sleep, and I dreamt that we were going somewhere far away from everyone.

Sky's POV

I felt his breathing slow down on my neck as he gently drifted asleep. What a cutie. My hands wrapped tighter around his pale thighs and shifted him up higher on my back. Should I wake him? Nah, he needs some rest. I continued at a slower pace until I found a clearing where I set down Ty and laid down myself.  I kissed him faintly on his pink tinted lips and moved over to him, engulfing him into my warm embrace.

Ty's POV

I woke up to a harsh shaking on my fragile body. "Ty!" Sky hissed. "We have to go! Now!" his voice getting more desperate.

"Hey you! Come out! We can see you!" Someone shouted fiercely. Sky stopped abruptly.

"Mitch?" he said.

"Biggums?" Exclaimed the unknown voice. Sky leapt out of the bush we were in and wrapped someone in a warm embrace. He wore a red and black checked hoodie and a silver dog tag around his neck. A shiny iron sword rested in his palm, making me shrink a bit back.

"Who's this?" another boy asked. He wielded a diamond axe and wore a black jacket, a white shirt and a loose tie hanging lazily around his neck. I noticed he wore a bacca hat around his head and smiled at me brightly. He reached a gloved hand out to me. Sky noticed my fear and kneeled down to me.

"It's all good Ty. These guys won't hurt you. They're some of my old friends." He looked wistful. "This one is Mitch." He pointed to the hooded boy. "And this is Jerome!" he gestured toward the bacca hat kid. They both waved shyly. I gulped.

"If you say they're your friends Sky, then they're my friends too!" I exclaimed as I leaped off the ground, giving each of them a large hug.

"We may not be alone on this trip after all Ty." Sky smiled warmly and my heart swelled. He's right.

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