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Mitch's POV

"Could Adam Dahlberg, Ashley Hunter, Jerome Aceti, and Mitchell Hughes please report to the main front desk. I repeat, "Could Adam Dahlberg, Ashley Hunter, Jerome Aceti, and Mitchell Hughes please report to the main front desk, thank you." A scratchy voiced aired from the PA. I looked up curiously to see that I was already there and my friends were coming down the hallway, all but Jerome who was coming from a different hallway. Ty ran over to where I was slouching on a chair.

"Hey man, do you know what we're coming here for?" He questioned.

"No idea." I spoke as Ashley, Adam and Jerome came over. A short woman wearing a pantsuit strolled over to us. Warmth seemed to spill out of her gentle smile and her voice felt like honey to my ears.

"So you must be Adam, Ashley, Jerome, and Mitchell! I've been looking forward to meeting you!" She chirped at us.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what are you here for?" Ashley spoke up, and shuffled self conciously. She blinked at us curiously.

"Why, nobody told you? I'm here to get you guys somewhere to stay! We're looking at a few couples who would be interested in having you! So where should we start? Mitchell and Ash-" The woman, later I learned her name was Dawn, babbled on as we stared on surprised.

"Miss! I'm sorry to interrupt again but we don't really need adoption." Jerome nervously said, his voiced laced with a tint of anger. I couldn't help but agree, especially if they were to split us up.

Dawn smiled patronizingly. "I'm sorry to say, but you children are still minors by law, and I have to find you a home."

"Well I don't mind being adopted but you should know some things first. One, Ashley is my sister. Two me and Ty are together and need to be adopted by the same person. And three Mitch and Jerome are together and need to be adopted by the same person as us, and same with Ashley." Sky rambled off his confusing list which essentially meant we needed to be adopted by the same people.

"Why of course! I actually have a case that would be great for you guys! Hmm, a couple in their mid thirties looking for 5 teenagers to take on! You are really quite lucky, most people don't take very many children. Especially when they are older." Dawn reassured us, she didn't even seem fazed by the fact that most if us were gay.

"So when would we get to meet them?" I ventured. Hopefully soon, I was missing a warm bed and food that wasn't mush.

"I can call them right now! Just give me a few minutes and if they're available, and they like you, you could be adopted in less than a week!" Dawn seemed bursting with excitement that we had found a seemingly good match in less than 15 minutes. Well, I'll just be happy to have a reliable roof over my head.


Ehhhhhh. Hi. Just a side note Dawn in the story is not Adam's ex-girlfriend. So ye bai. Oh and also sorry for filler I'm at a writers block.

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