Chapter 60

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"This is not fun," Shawn mutters for the twentieth time.

I glare at him. "What's wrong? I thought you liked ice hockey too? Besides, look at her! She's amazing."

I turn my gaze back onto the ice rink and watch Aaliyah sweep across the ice effortlessly. I shiver again and hug myself, sniffling slightly from the cold. Shawn places an arm on my shoulder and attempts to sit closer to me.

I shrug his arm off, cautious of watchful eyes. "Knock it off, what if someone's watching?"

He rests his arm around my again but I let him this time. "Doesn't matter does it? It's only if I..." He leans towards me, his lips getting closer to mine. In the last second I place my hand over Shawn's mouth and laugh at him as he frowns. I feel his lips stretch into a smile and I feel something wet on my finger.

I pull my hand away from him, wiping it on my jeans. "Eww! Did you just lick my finger?!"

He laughs at my reaction before playfully pulling me close to him as I struggle. "I just wanted to show my affection," he whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"I'd rather you kiss me instead," I say under my breath.

He perks up. "What did you say? Let's try again-"

"No thanks Shawn," I say but I peck his cheek quickly and turn back to the training.

   Aaliyah joins us and Shawn chucks her a water bottle which she chugs down quickly. She wipes her mouth and starts to unlace her skates. "What were you two doing up there? You were pecking at each other's faces like birds. Gross."

I bite my lip. "You could see us?"

"See? I think my whole team was gawping and jealous of you Jess."

I blush whilst Shawn laughs. "Whoops. Well too bad. She's mine and only mine." His arm rests behind my back on the seat, his fingers playing with strands of my hair.

We make our way to the car and drive home to drop Aaliyah off.

"You know, technically Jess spent more time with you Shawn. I think she should stay at home."

Shawn sighs. "No. I don't recall Jess being your girlfriend-"

"I am not your girlfriend-"

His laughter cuts in. "Whatever. You will be soon."

We stop outside the house and I walk in with Aaliyah to collect my stuff. She looks slightly sad. "Will you be Shawn's girlfriend? I think you're really nice. I thought you were already dating."

I sigh. "It's complicated."

I collect my stuff and hug Aaliyah. "Not long now. I can't wait for Christmas! We'll have loads of fun okay?"

She nods her head before shutting the door behind her. I carry my bag across to the car and someone lifts the bag away from me so effortlessly. I raise an eyebrow at Shawn but he just smiles. I shake my head and get into the passenger seat, buckling myself in.

"I can't believe you're leaving already."

I roll my eyes at him. "Shawn, I'm coming back next week! Less than 7 days. You can manage. Then we have the whole month together."

"Before you go back to Vancouver again."

I sigh. "Come on, don't be like that. Remember I have to sit at home too whilst you're playing the Christmas concerts-"

"I'll take you with me."

"Woah, no. I don't think-"

He speeds a little as I watch him get excited. "It's a brilliant idea! You can be my guest, and I don't think Andrew will mind. Wow. You'll be able to see LA during Christmas time!"

"Woah, calm down. Do you really think I could go?" I consider it and think what it would be like. Upstaged by all the great singers. I wouldn't fit in. "Mhmmm, maybe it's not a good idea..."

"Oh come on, don't be like that. You'll meet Charlie, Alessia, oh and Camila! She'd love you."

"All those people there? Are you crazy? No, I don't think I can do it."

Shawn parks the car swiftly and we take a lift which opens its doors to the Eaton shopping mall. "What time is your flight again?"


He smiles and takes my hand is his. "Alright. There's plenty of time to shop for an outfit for next weekend!"

Love Exists - Shawn Mendes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now