Chapter 11

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"Man I wish I brought shorts and flip flops."

I giggle. "Me too. It might be sunny, but the water's probably cold now."

"So? We could still go in the water or walk in the sand. My arse is numb."

We've been sat on a stone wall for hours waiting for dusk. It's coming up to half past 6 and the sun has started to shift the sky's colours.

"Are you a sunrise or sunset person?" I ask him.

"Definitely sunset. You?"

"Me too. Sunrises are cool, don't get me wrong. But a good sunset signifies a beautiful end to the day and brings the stars out at night."

"You're so intellectual and moving with words," Shawn says.

I just shrug. I watch wisps of clouds float around in orange shades. I shuffle closer to Shawn and lean against him. "This is beautiful," I whisper.

"It's perfect isn't it?"

We stay in silence as the sky changes colour to shades of pink before our eyes. We watch till the very end, till the sun has completely vanished and leaves nothing but a darkened sky behind.

"I'm starving!" Shawn says as he stretches. "Let's go and have some dinner." 

He gets up and helps me up onto my feet. He takes my hand as we walk towards a group of restaurants close to the lake. We walk into one called Waterfront Bistro and a front-man takes us upstairs to a reserved table. It's perfectly placed beside floor to ceiling windows to look across the lake which seems never ending. Shawn tucks me down into my chair and sits opposite me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What?" He says.

I shake my head.

"I've already ordered for us both if you don't mind," he says.

"Go for it," I reply.

"What do you want for dessert?"

"Would they do tiramisu?" I bite my lip for being so picky. "If not I'll have ice cream and a brownie maybe?"

"I'll order two tiramisus then."

A waiter comes by with two glasses and pours champagne, but I don't drink. "I-I don't drink alcohol. Is there some water I could have instead please?"

The waiter nods and returns with a chilled bottle and two glasses.

I pour myself a glass and refresh myself, but this time Shawn raises an eyebrow. "What?" I ask.

"You don't drink? I thought British people loved drinking champagne or partying hard and taking shots."

I frown. "I'm not that type of person. Do you drink?"

"The occasional drink or something," he says. 

I raise an eyebrow and smirk. "Oh yeah? You seem like the type to get drunk easily. Or the one who's got moves on the dance floor or something. I bet you've been to many parties at high school. Or some of your friends' college parties?" I tease him a little and he laughs at the comments.

Our starters of stir fried vegetables and calamari arrive and it smells heavenly. I tuck in without waiting for Shawn and he just laughs.
"What now," I say in between mouthfuls of bean sprouts and squid.


Shawn manages to finish his starter before me even though I ate first. I notice that his champagne glass is untouched, and as if on cue, he fills his glass with water.

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