Chapter 37

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"Get ready," Shawn whispers. "3...2..."

I prepare myself to walk a different way to Shawn so that he can take pictures with his fans.

" Go!"

I get out of the taxi and take both of our suitcases whilst Shawn heads into the airport to greet some of his fans. I pay the driver and take my time getting inside. I pass two girls who are beaming. I smile at the thought of how that would be me, but now everything's completely different. I hear whispers from behind me but I ignore it. I walk into the airport and see a long queue beside Shawn as he takes pictures. The people who are done linger around or walk out of the airport. A few of them smile and greet me for some reason. One person even spoke.

"Hi! Are you Shawn's girlfriend?"

"Um, no. We're just friends."

She nods her head, clearly not convinced. "I see. Well, I think you two make a cute couple. I mean, we all do."

"We?" But I know who she means.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, the Mendes Army. Please tell me you're a part of it right?"

I grin. "Course I am."

"Do you mind if we take a picture?"

"Not at all." We pose for a quick snap and she walks away, satisfied she got a picture with Shawn and his girlfriend too.

I walk to the counter and wait for Shawn, who appears after a very long 26 minutes of standing around.

He looks sad at the sight of me and comes to hug me. "I'm sorry babe."

I push him away, embarrassed. "Don't babe me!"

He smirks. "Are you mad?"

"I don't want you doing all this in public. What if a fan sees us? I mean, it's not like... like we're-"

"Dating?" He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair. He pulls me close to him and whispers in my ear. "Remember I'm not going to give up on you."

I roll my eyes but I smile at his words, happy to hear them. "You're wasting your time Mendes."

"I'm not wasting time, it's you Jess." He walks up to the counter and I follow him. We hand over our passports. He looks at me and smiles, but there's a bit of sadness in his eyes. "Because you can't admit it yourself that you like someone, so you wait to hear it from them."

His words echo in my mind.

"And then when you've waited so long to tell them," he says, "it's too late."

He hands me my passport and ticket. And walks off to security.


"How's the burrito?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, it's good. A little on the healthy side..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I finish my last bite as he watches me chew. Man, can that boy eat fast. "Too... leafy? Come on, we're supposed to fill up before the agonising four hours of flying."

My eyes dart to a girl in the distance, her phone pointing in our direction. I tilt to the side and hide behind Shawn, not willing to show my face.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"N-nothing. Just someone taking a picture I think..."

Shawn looks behind me and stares around. I smack my forehead. "Oh Shawn, you're just revealing yourself to everyone now."

He laughs at me. "As if I haven't done that already. Come on, let's go exploring."

We pile our rubbish into a bin and walk around, looking in some shops.

"Hey, let's grab muffins for the plane," Shawn says.

I roll my eyes and follow him around. There's a huge queue to pay, so I tell him I'm gonna wait outside and call my parents.

Every month in the first week, I always Skype my mum and dad or I call them, to tell them how things are and to make sure they're okay with Oreo back home. I hear Mum's voice as she picks up the phone.

I smile. "Hey Mum, it's Jess. How are you?"

I hear the smile in her voice. "I'm fine love. How are you getting on at university?"

A million things race to my mind about the past few weeks since I last called. "Yeah, everything's great."

Love Exists - Shawn Mendes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now