Chapter 76

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I sob into my hands, feeling someone rub my back.

"Shhh, stop crying. I'm sorry it ended that way, but-"

"It's not your fault Cam. I-I knew this whole thing was a bad idea. Trailing after Shawn, thinking it could work..."

"Well," he says carefully. "It did, didn't it?"

"Until now," I whisper. I wipe my cheeks dry, not caring if I have panda eyes. "I'm going home. I'm gonna go back to the hotel and-"

"I'll come with you, and Lilly-"

I shake my head. "No Cam, I need to go alone."

He nods his head and sighs. He hugs me close and I try not to let anymore tears come out. I breathe out through my mouth and smile. "Thanks Cam."


I signal for a taxi and ask to be taken to the hotel I was staying in. I don't know when our flight back to Toronto is, and I have no intention to see Shawn right now.

I walk out of the lift and swipe my card against the lock. I unzip my dress and chuck it on the floor. So much for Shawn saying I looked pretty in it. He obviously had eyes on someone else today. I clean my stained skin and touch up on new make-up. I untie my messy bun and let the curls hang down my back. I walk back into the room and pick a short lacey top to wear with some white jeans and a denim jacket. I wear the same black heels and exit the room, heading to wherever will take my mind off things.

The lift doors open and I'm in the hotel lobby. I see a group of people laughing and coming out of the bar area, so I decide to go there. The thudding music gets louder, making my heart beat in time with the bass. I jump up onto a bar stool, ordering a few shots to take. I down them one after the other, and hear clapping behind me. I wipe my mouth and a good-looking guy a little older than I am maybe, leans himself on the counter, watching me.

"Is there something you want? 'Cause I don't have any-" I let out a hiccup and cover my mouth. "Oops, excuse me."

"Cute and funny," the guy says, leaning himself forward.

"But not single," I say, pushing him away. I ignore his watchful eyes and order more drinks. Soon enough, he goes away, and I feel sad again. Why did I say I wasn't single? Because you're with Shawn. No I'm not. Nothing's official, even if he said stuff to the media. Oh like I care anyway. He kissed Camila, and I don't want to ruin whatever they have that we don't. I feel tears brimming in my eyes thinking about them, but I wipe them away, determined to stay strong. I gulp down my drink, asking for some more in hope that it washes away all my emotions.

"You should stop drinking now," I hear behind me.

I turn my head and see a blurry looking figure, who resembles Shawn. I scowl and look away. "Don't speak to me Shawn, unless you're someone who looks a lot like Shawn."

"Okay, um I'm-"

"You idiot. For godsake Shawn, I know it's you. I'm not that drunk... yet."

I hop off my seat and walk past him, steering clear incase he tries to grab hold of me, but he does nothing. I walk across the shiny floor, my head spinning a little as I walk out of the revolving doors. The cold air is refreshing, and I decide to take my jacket off.

There's footsteps following behind me. "You should keep that on, especially if you're-"

I hear a large group of guys walk past infront of me coming closer and whistling at me as I try to cover myself. "Hey pretty girl! Wanna ride home? Or would you rather ride my-"

I'm pulled away from their laughter. I feel humiliated. I swear under my breath as I'm dragged back into the hotel before I start doing anything.

"Listen. We're going back to our room okay? I think you've had too much to drink and you shouldn't even be out-"

"You can't tell me what to do, you're not my Mum-"

"Well for now I have to be." He drapes my jacket on my shoulders and places an arm on my shoulder.

I shrug his arm off my shoulder and chuck my jacket at Shawn. "I don't have time to play games Shawn. Go back to her, I'm going back to the bar."

"No, you're coming with me-"

I wink at him and throw a peace sign, in the air as I walk to the bar.

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