part 6

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He groaned out in pain tossing and turning in his bed, his pale face was flushed and a line of drool dribbled out of his mouth.

2D's back hurt so badly when he finnaly woke up from his nap.
As he got home he run to his bed comforting arms.

He didn't know why his teacher had so much interest in him.
He didn't even think or know if he was gay.

But now his brain is twisting inside of his dented his head trying to figure out he was feeling about his calculus teacher.

"Uhggg" he groaned out,tugging at his blue hair

He wobbled from his bed making his way for his tiny bathroom.
He groggily walked into the building not even noticing noodle following him.
She sounded concerned and upset.
2D ingnored the whisper and snicker of the other students ,and only focused his attention on Noodle.

"What is it Noodle?"
Noodle looked around,
" haven't you heardm what Del has been saying about you."

He furrowed his eyebrows in angry and confusion.

"Whats he been sayin' about me?"
She sighed and ran a hand thourgh her black hair.
"He has been saying your a dirty faggot-"
She lowers her voice,
"Is it true?"

Angry dripps into his black eyes.

He pushes past Noodle, mumbling a quick sorry before running off to find Del.

Murdoc sits at his desk watching his first hour students yawn and secretly text on their phones below their crooked desks.

He steps out into the hall to close his classroom door, smirking at the fact a few students will get in trouble.

Bangs ,cries and moans of pain echo in the narrow hallways.
He hastily walks to the cause of the noise.

The closer he gets the more sounds he hears.
He wondered who was getting the shit beat out of them.

Murdoc walks around the corner, his hear falls when he see a familiar head of blue hair.

Surprisingly Stu only had a few bruises on his pale face.

Del laid on the polished floor holding his stomach while groaning.

Small bubbles were splattered on the floor.
"What happened here?"
2D locked eyes with the older man.
"I beat the shit outta him"
He looked at the groaning Del on the floor .

"He was spreading rumors about me."
He pants out,moving his hand from his rapidly raising and falling chest to the side of his hip.

Murdoc glared at 2D's hip.
"Are you okay Stu.

All the blood drained from 2d's face and his breathing was rough,
Splotches of blood covered his blue jeans.

Murdoc didn't relise until now that his bluebird was bleeding.
Not until Stu fell forward barley being caught by Murdoc.

Murdoc carried Stu the nurses office with a heavy heart.

And tucked away from view laid a small pocket knife cover in 2D's crimson blood.

Its short i'm sorry

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