chapter 15

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The principal,Brandi, paced back and forth in her small office. Her heavily applied mascara streamed down her face in waves.

Her favorite student was gone. Dead just like that it had to n one the of the other stupid student at this shitty school.

She saw Del as her own son since she couldn't produce any.

After her divorce her cheating scub bag of husband, surprising Del was always there for her.

Her let out a strangled scream pushing all the junk on her desk to the floor.

She gritted her teeth and wiped and dark brown eyes.

Her eyes widened at a sudden thought.

'That blue haired faggot probably killed my sweet sweet baby.' She thought to herself.

She looks around her fairly large office looking for a black purse.

She tore apart her room trying to think back where out until she realized it was in her purple rolls chair.

She practly ripped it open grabbing her phone out a wicked smirked on her thin face.

Brandi and 2D's mother were really close until the two faced bitch fucked her husband and married the shot eater.

She was so glad when she was told her Ex-husband droped dead leaving her Ex-friend and her stupid kid alone to take care of themselves.

She dialed the number quickly, she knew it by heart this woman once was her friend plus the bitch was to lazy to change her number.

She held the phone up to her ear letting it ring until sombody picked up the phone.

"This is the Tusspots resident....This is Rachael Tusspot speaking how may I help yo-"

"DID YOUR NOT KILL ME SWEET TEDDY BEAR!" She cut her off sobbing into the phone.

So it's been awhile.....really Sorry bout that but I have good news.

I'll be able to update Bad Teacher more instead of one day a week. Super cool right.

I also have a new story called Soft Like was originally on my other account. cutie-pie3266. But I took it down so I could work on it on this account.

So here's my new schedule.
BaD tEaChEr

Soft Like Cotton

Saturday is my free day:)

So thank you and all that nice shit!

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