part 9

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He was having a hard time sleeping,
He had a cold sweat and dark red had dried were the bandages wraped around his slender body.

After they released 2D from the hospital, the snarky doctor told him to take it easy.

How can he take it easy when his parent are up his as complaining about how irresponsible he is.
Then there's Murdoc, he has been acting like he actually cares this made 2D confused

He counted the cracks on his ceiling with his sleep deprived eyes.
It didn't matter though as long his eyes don't close then nightmares won't creep into his serne

The nightmare of him losing his eyes, his almost normal life.

Most people would probly consider him a freak from the depths of hell.

He turned to his side,ignorimg the tingling pain that shoots through his body.

He rolled of his bed, grunting in discomfort.

His bare feet hitting the cold tile with a loud slapping noise.

He stumbled, triping over his own feet but catching himself on his bedroom door.

He breathed softly while leaning aginst his door.

He turning the small gold knob carefully, ignoring the small creak.

His house wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

He walked down the empty hallways, his parents were sleeping so he had to be extra quiet if not then his parent s would wake up and give him an earful.

He walked down the wooden stairs, tightly holding the railing sxared him might fall or something.

He crept toward the kitchen sink, pulling a glass from a cabinet.
He somtimes had to help his mother get things from the cabinets but must of the time.

Sadly his father had died about 2 years ago.

He filled his glass with water and gulped it down in one sip. He slid the glass on the counter.

He grabbed his coat from the xoat rack and swung it on before running out the front door.

Its was about dive and the moring and murdoc had fallen asleep listening to old vinyl.

He had woken up with a small headache and drool covering half of his face.

He gpt dressed in a hurry, every Saturday murdoc went to the park and feed the ducks living in the small lake.
This may sound like him at all buthe did have some heart.

He wandered out side in the cold morning air.

He looked around the park in awe, it was always beautiful but what caught his eye wa the bundle of blue hair sitting on the park bench.

"Hey stu... What are you doing here?"
He gave a small wave at the teen.

"Um...." his face light up like a Christmas light.

He sat down next to the boy, close enough that their legs were touching.

"I came bere to think."

He scooted closer to him, 2D noticed this and. Scooted over some.

"Oh....really whatare you thinking About."

His eyes darted everywhere-you- he thought.

"N-nothing important."

They continued on with a different, with every word murdoc scooted closer to the blue beaded fella but 2D scooted away so far he was almost falling of the bench.

"Stu... Did you here what i said?"
Murdoc's face was very close to his own face.

He scurried back in confusion, his back collided with the hard ground.

Murdoc jumped off the bench to check on the smaller man.

He held his hand out and waited for Stu to grab it.
He was suddenly tugged down and of course he fell on top of Stu.

His lips touch something smooth, he removed his cold lups from the surface to come face to face with a blushing blue headed boy.

"Di-did you just k-kiss me?"

Chapter ends here, sorry guys i tried my best

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