Chapter 2 : Sudden Attack!

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- This chapter's gonna change the flow of the story. It's for both my old readers and the new readers -


I escaped the class with a confused mind, a sigh escaping as I closed the door behind me and suddenly something cracked in my head. " Could it be......yeah it has to be ", I thought in my mind.

Few days back, during the preparation of Julie's sister, Emily's wedding, I came across a strange man with weird clothes, some ancient informal clothes of a knight. " Careful, Abe! Danger comes crawling from every nook and corners ", was what he whispered in my ear before vanishing from my sight. I was yet to process it while he was gone. Only now it occurred to me, this Professor's the same guy. I can never forget a person's voice, not so easily at least.

I took a small round around the campus, admiring its texture while the class was over. The little expedition was not so interesting though. The bell rang, making me run to my class but only to be stopped by the Principal. The guy was tall, quite healthy, his brown hair trimmed plainly. " Follow me. I have something to discuss with you ", he said in a solemn tone, his emerald eyes piercing through my very soul.

I started following the guy dumbstruck, my mouth sealed shut. " What could've happened? ", I thought in my head. We went to his office silently. He took his lavish chair and motioned for me to take seat. I sat down and asked, " Can I help you, sir? " For some moments he just kept staring at me until the silence got too awkward and my body started itching. I returned the gaze with broadened eyes and blank expression.

" I have an assignment for you ", he said finally. " A-Assignment? ", I asked hesitantly. " A confidential assignment ", he said still not blinking. I wonder how long he could stay like this, not blinking even for once. " Isn't it the job for the school prefects? ", I asked confused.

" Because it concerns the school's security. "

" All the more reason, then. "

" It concerns you more. "

" What do you mean? "

" You'll know ", he said finally retreating and rubbing his chin thoughtfully, a strange smile forming in his lips. " What the hell is the guy up to? ", I wondered slightly irritated you could say, but excited too.

" During the 5th supernatural century  ", he made a dramatic pause and opened his eyes. " There used to be a guy. They called him...Zulfiqar, the fire wielder. He came from another dimension, from a world known as
Maesire, where vampires, werewolves didn't exist. Their sorcerers were termed as Direct Controllers and their Demons, unlike ours, are symbols of evil. History records him as the God of Fire ", he paused again. " What I'm about to tell you now is beyond A-class confidentiality. Only the supernatural Kings possess the knowledge. So, make sure your mouth stays shut. I nodded, excitement running through my spine.

" This specific Zulfiqar, came to our plane to negotiate a treaty but the supernatural Kings of that time were unfortunately not united. It was during The Great War, Mr. Hall will be teaching you, that this Zulfiqar was betrayed. When the supreme God sent down the spirit of Osiris, he entrusted a certain key to him that now rests in the Maesirean continent, Helm Azul " He paused again.

Getting serious, he continued, " This particular key will unlock something that we, I mean I desire so much and it was prophesied, only the human form of Osiris could take it back. "

" Um...So? "

" You'll bring me the key! "

" What? "

The Prophesied Spirit (Book I) : The Spirit Reborn [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now