Chapter 24 : A Great Loss

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Colin's POV :

I thought it was a mere dream as the dark mist of the cursed place slowly faded, a sweet charming breeze from the west slowly diminished all the darkness and dark energies, a breeze that tickled my senses, sent a sudden shiver down my spine. Within seconds, I found myself amidst a garden, a garden so beautiful that I could've but only imagined in my dizziest daydreams; greenery all over.

I was on plain long grass as I stood there in complete awe; trees I have never seen, of different colours, red, yellow but mostly green, butterflies and birds I have never known, flew atop of my head taking me in the mythical land of dreams.

Charmed as I was, at the beauty of nature, I forgot what I was here for until someone grabbed me and pulled me in something that suddenly dimmed my vision. Everything faded once again, till I was in a place that I can't describe. I was moving in the speed of light, still the cold and whiteness of the place didn't escape my senses, my notice, and before I knew it, I was back in reality, in the cursed reality once again.

I discovered the person pulling me was my Jules and in front of me stood Ace, Mary, Jane, Abe lying on hay. I couldn't see Angy though, a strange fear stroke my heart. I thought she'd be here. Suddenly my heart pumped up at the noise of a sudden sound, that I discovered to be a cow's yelling, not long after.

I noticed we were in some countryside in a barn, God knows of which planet.

It was summer? " Wait! How can it be summer at this time of the year? ", I muttered and stole a peep at the outside. To my surprise, the animal that I previously figured to be a cow, turned to be a complete different thing.

It was slim like a horse, face of a human, just a bit monkey and large horns like a dear. Its legs were quite firm, strong and long. I cannot but say......I was mesmerised! I guess I was rather horrified by it's timorous appearance. The only thing I could relate the thing with a cow, was its voice. Whoah! Weird!

I took my glance back and the guy Davis was sitting in front of us, his face covered with a cowboy hat. " With all due respect, sir! I can't take the suspense anymore! ", Ace nearly yelled at him, making my nerves shiver, considering what a powerful man the guy was.

He doesn't belong to our world, neither any of those I know of. He's from some greater magical realms beyond ours, the supernatural ones. " You see when I meant that you won't be seeing her anymore, I meant....I didn't mean she's dead! " " Well, that's a relief! ", I blurted out brightened with a smile. " No, Colin! Not a relief ", Jane said almost coldly and composed, with her eyes closed, thinking something.

" What do you mean by that? ", Ace asked annoyed. " I think Mary has something to say ", Jane rather stated looking straight through her eyes. We all looked at her eager, and adrenaline washing my body, followed by Ace's confused look. " I can't hold this suspense anymore! ", Jules yelled and added, " What the hell happened to my friend? "

" Sacrifice! But a willing one! ", Davis muttered under his breath, but loud enough for us to hear. " Mary, will you please... ", Davis gave a look of secrecy to her and she started...

" You see...Abe nearly died out there while we were busy with a fucking sword! Angy suddenly bumped into me with Davis by her side. She said that the book was glowing and shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't understand anything. The book was supposed to be with Jane. Davis said that Abe wasn't ready for such a fight yet, and he wouldn't be able to stop that monster. He'd eventually kill every single one of us. Though Abe had some abilities in him, but still dormant and he was still h-human. Angy showed us the book. It rose up in the air and displayed before us letters...

Mary stopped and her voice was failing. She'd started sobbing. " I'm sorry ", she said and added sobbing, " I couldn't do anything. " Ace rushed to her and she burst into cry in his chest. After a period of silence, she continued the awaited narrative once more....

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