Chapter 10 : The Unveiling II

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Author's Note : Dear readers, sorry for my absence but I was busy with my SSC. But I am back now. Please don't forget to vote and comment.


20 years ago, a red witch was passing through a forest in the dark realm for collecting some branches of a rare dark tree called calyoteros, well that's not of much importance. 

While walking, she heard a baby's cry, yeah a baby's cry in the dark realm. She ignored it initially taking it as an illusion. But as she proceeded, she saw it falling into a cliff. The mother rose in her and she hurried towards it and took it on her arms.

While inspecting if it was a dark heir born every 100 century she saw a mark on its back and by lord! it had to be the sacred mark of Osiris. 

The baby's aura was getting heavy on her. As she touched the mark, she had this vision of the emergence of dark forces. Without wasting any time, she took it here to me and I could easily sense that it was the human form of Spirit Osiris.

It's aura was destroying the shield of this realm. I, immediately bounded its powers and kept its potential dormant but only till he comes in touch of the galeotyle stone by the pull of his destiny. 

The red witch, was and is the maid in your house, Abe! It's Jenny! We immediately consulted it with Feronious and Forneous and their married and childless cousins Victor and Grace Blackstone agreed to adopt the child as their own. Yes, Abe! The child was you and you are the bearer of Osiris spirit. They took you, to the human realm as it was the only safe place for you for the time being. None but us and the kings Canratt the Demon king, Veranzio the wolf king, Feronious the Sorcerer king with his brother Forneous and the vampire king Ruka knew about this until now. 

All this while Abe kept looking at me at awe, his pupils dilated and his jaws fell.

Right at the moment, Abe asked, " Who knows it now? and isn't Forneous a vampire? " Forneous replied to his questions saying, " Both are long stories. We'll be coming to those " and I continued.... 

Everything was going well till you met that dumb Abner in the wedding and the creature, Jane found you. And yet,  you lost the book making everything go on fire. 

Spirits all over were trying to get their hands on you. Thankfully, Jenny had a suspicion on you as you were suddenly acting strange. It was a bad move not to trust your own people. People always make this same mistake. 

Abe's face turned pale with shame at this but Jenny calmed her saying, '' It's okay, I understand, Abe and Victor nodded making him smile.

We were doing our best to shield you,
but the creature somehow cast a spell using the galeotyle gem that I couldn't figure out and your aura was gradually getting free of my spell activating your hidden potentials. Eventually, Forneous went to talk with your coach, who's ours and always watching, you spotted him there." 

I concluded my speech saying that, '' It's time for Forneous to speak and that creature '' 

Observing Abe's eyes,  I said Jenny and Hover(Abner Hall)  will continue with the rest.  Abe tried to regain his normal state of mind slightly successfully and Jenny started to narrate. 

Jenny's POV :

"In some stages of my narrative,  you'll be confused and questions will arise in your mind. But trust me when I say you'd get your answers before I finish," I said with mood of seriousness and a blank expression and then continued.

" With your coming of age, I could sense that destiny would be calling you soon and evil forces were awakening all over the realms,  though none could trace the source, raising alarms internally. The Osiris had bestowed his knowledge in a book that was at that time with me, the knowledge none of us dared to acquire and more about the dark history. 

The sage could only tell a portion, but what actually happened remains a mystery that was hidden in the book. Not all but still more. The Osiris erased the memories of the kings for some reason making their
narrations hazy. Nevertheless the elders derived some knowledge from their blabbering and came to a conclusion that we weren't supposed to know more till the hour comes. 

The book was bonded with a spell by the Osiris and it's existence was unknown except a few of us. I consulted with your parents and handed you the book which you left on your desk before your friend's wedding being as careless as you are where you first met that idiot Hover."

" I wanted to have a little chitchat there, but it wasn't safe. All of us had to guard you, Abe!", Hover said and I continued.

" After the wedding, according to our plan, Hover joined the school and you were supposed to read the book. Alas! Neither could we tell you something nor compel you. Everyone you mingled with, were strictly observed but one just got right under the nose, Jane! She'll tell us what she did to you...for now...let it be. 

" I eavesdropped your discussions that day and got alert. Though the girl's aura felt odd and more odd as she said that she was an angel, still I couldn't recognise her! Darn! ", Hover said with his eyes crooked with anger and a face hidden with shame. 

" It's okay, Hover! Whatever's happened wasn't your fault '', Abe consoled him and everyone nodded. Still the effusive guy couldn't stop weeping and sobbing and wiping his tears.

Everyone loved his childishness but sometimes it used to get damn too much irritating!  Aaah! Just stop it, will you? I thought to say but controlling my outburst, I said, " Stop it Hovey. Alright, you get to continue the narrative, kay? '' and he slightly brightened up.

Trying to get normal, Hover just managed to say, '' Alrighty! "

Abner's POV : 

With lots of excitement and seriousness I began working at the school and at the first class, I overwhelmed Ace and the others. It was just lovely messing with you young lads. On that class, I tried to inform Abe of a particular page which he took very well, but lo! before he could read, the book was stolen by the creature and Abe didn't even seem to trust any of us. I also warned him not to trust the girl but he didn't pay any heed. Blind love! Lads these days!

Everything just started to get worse from the time they went to the coffee shop. Abe's drink was spiked, his friends disappeared and his family got attacked! It was gladly that Grace could call us immediately but only to be stabbed on the back and even Victor wasn't at home then.

While Jenny was fighting with all her powers and Victor arrived rushing, they already took Eve. Eve, after all was just but a child. Though Jenny was a pure blood red witch, the dark rangers kept coming and coming. She could only do so much. 

We reached there 5 minutes earlier than you and as you can see, we didn't have any chance to think. Jenny told you to leave and you know what happened after.

Jenny's POV : 

Well, the only thing that was puzzling my head was that how come Abe being so weak nerved was so quiet ever since we got here. It was creeping me out. Something was amiss.

Just as I was about to ask if Abe was okay, he fell on the ground motionless leaving all of us shocked and frozen. Oh, I would go mad!

It would be a lie if I say that I wasn't scared at the moment. Everyone rushed to him but my suspicion only got a horrible shape. I didn't know what to do, my heart just stopped.

They took him upstairs where the witch sage began inspecting him. But to our surprise, she looked at us only to say....His Soul is gone....Victor fainted and the others lost their voice with their faces white. It is also possible this is not Abe she said.

We heard a loud laughter from the dungeon where we kept the creature but it didn't seem to reach our ears. We still couldn't come back to our senses and suddenly felt a quake underneath. Somehow the house got saved. 

It was one unlikely quake that no supernatural realm has ever witnessed. Undoubtedly it held the power to destroy the whole human realm.

Getting us back to senses once again after the terrible shock, someone kicked open the front door. Exchanging confused glances, we rushed to see who they were. 

IMPOSSIBLE!! The sage screamed as the others were already held captive by the numbness spell and I sank into the ocean of unconsciousness as darkness engulfed me crushing my bones and soul. Within seconds everything went blank.

The Prophesied Spirit (Book I) : The Spirit Reborn [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now