Chapter 15 : Tremendous Escapade

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Abe's POV : 

The fremd man with his outlandish accent advanced towards us making me to dread upon his grotesque figure as I noticed my enemies ahead scared half to death, standing strong and erect upon the misty rocks with their eyes on the guest with fear.

The fremd creature, astonishing me to the pinnacle of human thoughts, though it was simply a mere concept compared to what I've experienced till now, was turning into a new figure with splendid curves or I should say,  he looked as if the living example of human excellency of beauty.

The man advanced towards me with a sly smile on his face that I couldn't decipher and finally stood in front of me. The demonic guy now looked handsome in every known and unknown manner. He was wearing a black robe with red mixed with it and nothing to cover his long, grey greasy hair. He had a pair of marble eyes that shone like a star. Breaking a long period of awkward silence, Hel finally spoke, " With all due respect sir, you don't belong here. You should leave. "

The man ignoring her, looked into my eyes that was now covered with faintness and blurriness and spoke, " Hello, Abe!" I was simply shocked! Did he just speak my name or am I dreaming? Who is he? I think to myself and just stand motionless.

Deciphering my reaction, he spoke again, " Oh, pardon. I'm Osyla and....let time tell about my identity. Looking towards the others he said, " What is he doing here? " " What else?  We're gonna slaughter, I mean sacrifice him ", Renorcyx said with a tone of disrespect that slightly enraged the man but brushing it right away he said, " Don't test my patience. I know what you guys are up to. Believe me, if I weren't compelled to stay out of this, I would've destroyed you all, long ago. "

Who, exactly is this guy? I thought to myself and suddenly Osyla took something like a wand out of his robe that immediately turned into a long stick with a silver gem at the peak. He put the stick above my head and chanted some gibberish that I couldn't exactly catch and surprisingly, it started to radiate some blue light. My body started to burn. 

" Aa..Aaahhh ", I screamed with intolerable pain and cried out, S-Stop! I was taken aback by the burning and my body started to move on it's own. Something just bursted out inside of me and a massive windy force spurt out. The force had almost flown away everyone save Osyla. 

Osyla took away his stick but something started to glow on my back. It was my mark. The mark of Osiris. " What did you do to me? ", I yelled and added, " Why is my birth mark glowing? "

" Listen to me carefully, Abe! I have nullified the confining spell casted on you by the sorcerer sage when you were a baby. Your aura will now gradually get stronger and stronger until you finally become the wielder of the spirit of Osiris. The spirit had always been within you and now, it's your job to gain control over it and merge with it ", Osyla threw me in the air using some magic as he said and I discovered myself sucked out of the realm. 

I was still amidst the shock of what had happened and unable to remember anything. Gracefully, I regained my sense of thinking and first of all experimented my new powers. I didn't know where I was but it seemed familiar. Nevertheless, I closed my eyes as I began concentrating on what has been happening in my absence and surprisingly I could see everything in front of my eyes as clear as day. My heart knew no bound of joy as I discovered the secret behind Jane turning into a dark creature and tears of happiness were dropping from my eyes as I started to laugh with periods and thanking the Almighty. 

It wasn't my Jane, after all! I heard how supernaturals could teleport from one realm to the other. To speak the truth I was just too excited and already believed that I could do anything. Hardly had I closed my eyes and wished to teleport to the vampire realm when I opened my eyes but only to discover myself in the wolf realm. Wolf realm? It seriously had to be the wolf realm? I mentally scolded myself.

The Prophesied Spirit (Book I) : The Spirit Reborn [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now