Chapter 2

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He slowly opened the door to his apartment, worrying if he had gotten home on time. His mother would definitely have something to say if he didn't, but he didn't see her waiting anywhere for him, so he took it as safe.

He kicked off his shoes in the entrance way and headed into the living room. It was a weekend, and having no homework felt like bliss. Just then, he heard his mother call from one of the other rooms, "Did you have fun?" He smiled "Yeah, the weather was great today, perfect for surfing!"She came down the hallway carrying a load of laundry in a hamper, and hurried into the kitchen to grab the garbage, "Eddie, honey I'm really sorry, but can you take down the laundry and garbage?" She looked sorry, and Eddie knew his mother did work really hard, so he was willing to miss the first few minutes of the Baseball game to do a favour.

He took the laundry and garbage and headed out the door, clicking it shut behind him. Just then, he heard his neighbours door open, and for a minute he didn't know which way to take, and he started to panic, but it was too late, because his neighbour stepped out of his apartment, and also had laundry and in his other hand...garbage. Eddie cursed himself for taking up the favour, knowing he'd awkwardly be heading the same way. When the neighbour turned his way,  he noticed that he was extremely good looking, baby blue eyes, and long, wavy brown hair. Eddie's jaw hung open, and had to quickly turn away , except his neighbour had already noticed he was staring, and smirked at him, Eddie blushed furiously, he probably could have been on his way back, and he was still standing outside his apartment door.

"You just gonna stand there staring?" His neighbour chuckled, and Eddie hung his head, "sorry, I haven't seen you around ever." He smiled, "I'm Chris, and you are..." Okay, well this guy certainly didn't seem very bad, maybe this was the brother or something. The guy was friendly, but he still felt kinda antsy around him. "I'm Eddie."he lowered his head again, and when he spoke it was almost inaudible. "Well then..." Chris gave a brief nod and walked away. eddie did the same. He headed down the hallway to the staircase, and he kept thinking why was this boy so evil, he didn't seem so bad, he didn't look dangerous or anything. Eddie tried to reason, people are usually nice as you first get to know them, until they open up. his mother must have a reason, right? she knows best.

after all of his chores were done, he headed back to the apartment. He sat down and watched the baseball game for a while, and then decided that he would probably just go to bed, there wasn't much to do around the place anyways. he hollared a goodnight to his mother and headed into his room.

He threw off his t-shirt and stepped out onto the balcony, staring once again at the night sky. The world was so small once you think about it, and it felt like you could go anywhere. He couldn't help it and took a glance over at Chris' balcony expecting to see nothing, and instead he saw him, leaning on the rail in pyjama pants, smoking. Eddie looked away and blushed furiously, this guy was seriously good looking. Catching his thoughts, he wanted to slap himself across the face. "It's not right!!" He mumbled to himself extremely quietly. 

His neighbour didn't even look at him "want one?" Eddie guessed he was talking about smoking, and politely refused. He turned to where Eddie could get a better view of him, and blew a ring of smoke into the air. He felt a lump in his throat that wasn't there before and tried to swallow past it. The other boy seemed to almost sense it and shot a sly smile his way.

Eddie spent the rest of the night in his room contemplating all the reasons why this was NOT a good idea.

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