Chapter 16

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They started packing the next day, the process was more difficult for Chris since he had to sneak back into his house to pack, and Immediately had to rush whatever he packed back to eddie's apartment. Eddie's mother was starting to really warm up to Chris, and even said she liked having both of them together.

They finished packing both of their rooms in about 5 days, and it was at that time eddie's mom told the boys her friend had a place they could stay for a little while in olympia. "Are you kidding me Mom!? That's amazing!" Eddie was overjoyed and his eyes were sparkling with excitement. "Thank you so much, ma'am, this means so much." Chris beamed back at Eddie in wonder and Eddie  quickly wrapped Chris up in a hug. Eddie's mom smiled "boys, just promise you'll please keep in touch with me , and I'll come down to visit a lot, just to make sure how youre doing. Do you want to get going, then?" Eddie sighed and gave a small smile, "Yeah. Better now than just standing around." Chris kissed eddie's cheek and gave his mother a hug "thank you again. Thank you for accepting me, and letting us stay together. You are so generous and kind, you have no idea how much we appreciate this."

The boys managed to fit in the passengers seat, there were too many boxes in the back to give them any room to sit. Eddie gazed out the window at the passing buildings, the beautiful city he had grown to love slowly sinking behind him. His mother seemed to sense his uneasiness, "don't worry, Eddie, it's not forever. Just a little while." Chris drew circles on Eddies leg.
After a while, Eddie felt himself getting called into a calming sleep.

Eddie's eyes were forced to adjust. The brightness was nearly unbearable "we're here now, Eddie, Chris." Eddie looked at his boyfriend, who was sleeping peacefully and gave him a nudge on the shoulder, and the boy slowly opened his eyes " I'm up, pretty boy. What's the problem?" Eddies mother smiled at them " we're here!" Chris' eyes nearly shot open, and he hurried out of the car. Eddie took in the well kept building in front of him, and smiled "Now, you'll only be here for a year, I'll visit every week or so, just keep in touch. I just need to make sure everything cools down back home. When it does, just come back if you want, if not, that's okay too, I guess..." her eyes flicked down to the ground. Eddie and Chris wrapped her in a hug " i love you mom, thank you so much!" Eddie beamed and Chris thanked her too, " I'd do anything for my boys" She grinned and Eddies heart melted, realizing she said 'boys' plural. Wow, she must really like Chris.

After everything was packed into the apartment, they said their drawn out goodbyes, and Eddies heart broken a bit seeing her go. "It'll be fine baby, it's not for long." Chris soothed him.
He was right, she visited often, and they talked a lot on the phone.

                            ***2 months later***
Eddie and Chris were on the balcony, huddled under blankets, a coffee by Chris' side. They were laying on their backs staring at the sky, it was well past midnight now.  Eddie cuddled closer to his boyfriend, and got the familiar butterflies he always experienced with Chris. "Tell me pretty boy, have you ever watched the night sky?" Eddie smiled, "I used to think I did, but I didnt see it very well. Ever since I've met you, I think I see it a lot clearer now."


Well, this was not what I planned this story would be, but I'm pleased. This was so fun to write. I'm shocked at the amount of people reading this, I never really expected anyone but myself to see this. Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart. This is definately NOT the only story I'll  write, thanks to the confidence you all gave me :)

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