Chapter 13

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Eddie stood at the door to Mikes house. "You ready, chris?" Eddie have him a pat on the arm "Ready as I'll ever be, sweetheart." Eddie flung open the door, knowing that his friends always leave it unlocked.
"Eddie?! What the hell are you doing here?" Stone joked, flinging himself off the couch and over to Eddie, "And who is THAT?" Stone was obviously a bit tipsy, he pointed at Chris and wiggled his eyebrows, "He single?" Stone continued, and Eddie laughed, "No, you idiot! Remember that hot neighbour I kept telling you about, well... this is him." Stones eyes turned the size of dinner plates "Oh my god! I'm so sorry I had no idea! Take a seat...Chris?" Chris nodded, "Yeah, that's me. What's your name, I don't think I've seen you before." Chris took a seat on the couch next to Jeff, "I'm Stone. I know, it's weird." Chris smiled, "it's different, I like it. I'm over here with a name like Chris." Stone smiled and brought Eddie into the kitchen to help with drinks. "Dude, you struck gold! Keep Chris around, he's a good guy, from what I see anyways. He looks at you like you're his angel." Eddie beamed, "I hope I can keep him around. He's great. He treats me well, he makes me feel amazing." They walked into the living room only to see Chris telling stories of one time when he and Jeff were little and Jeff face planted into a Creek. Mike didn't look too happy, and Eddie wondered why. When Eddie sat between Chris' legs, Mike got up and went into the kitchen. Nobody really paid attention, but it was bothering Eddie. He didn't hear Mike speak for the rest of the night once he came back into the living room.
Everybody else, however was enjoying themselves, drinking and laughing. Eddie never drank before, but his friends made sure that he didn't have too much. Allowing him 2 cups full maximum.
The night carried on, and eventually Stone was more than a little bit tipsy, which was bad news for Eddie and his friends, because Stone was a mixture of the worst kinds of drunk. He was the clumsy, loudmouthed, over-emotional drunk. Once he was three sheets to the wind, forget about ever locating him that night, he was a disappearing act. Everyone needed to console, watch over, and listen to him. Chris however, found it hilarious. Eventually, Jeff and Chris had to drag him upstairs and put him to bed, muttering amongst themselves at the massive headache he would wake up to in the morning.
Once everyone was nearly falling asleep on the couch, Eddie and Chris decided it was time to head home, Chris and Jeff agreed on hanging out sometime, and they all waved goodbye.

Eddie was almost dying to get back to Chris' place. He remembered what Chris said last night, and it's been driving him crazy all day. He could barely fall asleep last night, knowing he couldn't really do anything about it. As soon as they were in Chris' room, the awkwardness hit Eddie again. Why did it always happen to Him? Chris was kissing his jaw and Eddie stood there frozen. "Hey, you okay, gorgeous?" Chris looked worried, and Eddie smiled, "Yeah, just...I love you." Chris have Eddie an innocent kiss, and wrapped his arms around him. Eddie seized the oppurtunity to switch places with Chris, pushing him against the wall, and started kissing where neck and collar bone met. Which, after a while, made the taller boy whimper, and shift around awkwardly. "Oh my god." Eddie smiled satisfied at Chris who, once he had one inch of area to move, practically ripped of the younger boys shirt. Making him feel oddly exposed to the fully clothed Chris. "Off. Take yours off." Eddie crossed his arms over his chest "You take my shirt off, if you want this to be equal." Chris smirked and Eddie did as told. Marvelling for a long moment at his beauty "You're breathtaking." Eddie gasped. Chris picked him up bridal style, and spun him around once before placing him on the bed. Eddie pulled Chris down with him and laid back. The bedsheets smelled like Chris, and Eddies heart felt like it might burst with happiness. "Kiss me." Eddie looked almost scared, and Chris started easy. Forehead, nose,lips,jaw. He kept making his way down to the shorter boys neck, chest, especially stoumach, which at this point Eddie was literally pleading "please Chris, enough. Enough, pleasepleaseplease~" Over and over like chanting and Chris was almost laughing. "Do you want me to ask again?" Chris teased, and Eddie squirmed about whining, "Chris, please." And the taller boy sat cross legged drawing circles on his boyfriends stoumach, "Please...what?" Chris had a devilish glint in his eyes that made eddie's insides do flips, "You know what, Chris." Eddie propped himself up on his elbows. "No idea what you're talking about, princess. You have to say it." Chris was now tugging at the waistband of Eddies boxers peeking out from his jeans, taking a second to raise his eyebrow at Eddie. "Fuck it...touch me. Who cares." Chris beamed, and Eddie hid his face in his hands. "Never thought you'd ask." And touching him is exactly what he did. Not a lot, barely at all, which just was driving Eddie crazy with need and not fulfilling anything at all. "Chris! What are you doing? I told you to touch me." "That's what I'm doing, is it not?" Eddie whined "More! That's the whole point!" Chris shrugged, "Take off those jeans and I'll think about it." Eddie shook his head, "Only if you take off yours." Chris nodded, "deal." Within 5 minutes they were rid of any clothing they had on, and Eddie kept jerking his hips up, looking for more friction, and Chris gave exactly what he wanted. Eddie thought Chris made the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard, and Eddie would sell his soul if it meant he could hear those noises for the rest of his life. Chris was beautiful, and Eddie kept running his fingers through his boyfriends dark hair. Studying his face in this navy blue lighting was amazing. Once the taller boy sped his hips up against Eddie's, the shorter boy was struggling to breath and felt like his chest was caving in, he wouldn't last. "Chris- I-I can't breathe- Chris, I think I'm going to die!" Chris chuckled, "Breathe, baby doll, it'll be fine." The feeling got tighter and tighter until it was nearly painful, and then everything felt almost like he was split in half. It went black.

He woke up to Chris petting his damp hair, "Chris? Did I pass out?" Chris laughed lightly, "Yeah. You did. I was able to not black out, even though it was mind blowing, and then you were just... out. It was only for a few seconds, but damn." Eddie chuckled, and Chris wiped him down with a cool wash towel.

Afterward, they laid together for hours discussing whatever came to mind, until sleep eventually claimed them wrapped up in eachothers arms.
Okay, take it easy on me guys, this is the first time I've ever wrote something slightly smutty. Sorry if It's bad. I just had no idea what the hell I was doing.

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