Chapter 4

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The day carried on. Eddie relaxed and played some guitar with the guys. He couldn't keep one thing off of his mind...Chris.

He didn't know why, and he told himself it wasn't that big of a deal, To just forget it, but he couldn't keep the handsome stranger out of his head. He was damn curious, and it bothered him.

"Earth to Eddie!" He snapped out of it with Stone waving his hand in front of Eddies face to wake him up. "Shit man, you scared me! What is it?" "You've been zoned out for like 10 minutes, got something on your mind?" Eddie looked around the room. Dave was asleep sprawled out on the couch, Mike wasn't in sight, and Jeff was sitting on the floor staring at the TV. Eddie sighed,"No, it's nothing. I'm just tired I guess." He shrugged and sank further back into the couch. Stone flopped down beside him "ooh Eddie~~ is it that sexy neighbor?" He stabbed at Eddies ribs with his finger. Eddie tried to hold back a smile, but it kept threatening to bust through, "Shut up." Eddie blushed, unable to hold his smile back any longer. "Hey man, no worries. You'll be fine." Eddie felt his heart swell with appreciation, and he looked nervously down at his feet, small smile on his lips "if you say so... I don't know, he's so pretty that he's intimidating." "Jeez man, don't get all sappy with me." Stone laughed. Eddie ruffled his hair through his fingers and rested his head in his hands, "Well, Mr. Gossard, I gotta go. My mom will skin me alive if I'm out any longer. Tell Mike I went home. I remember the chaos that happened last time." Stone chuckled "He thought you were kidnapped, Eddie." He stood, and rolled his eyes playfully, "And I bet you were just so concerned, eh?" With a light spring in his step, he jogged over to the door, he opened and shot a quick "Don't miss me too much!" Over his shoulder.

He headed quickly back home into the Seattle night.

Eddie came home to his mother sitting at the kitchen table, arms folded across her lap. He knew it wasn't a good sign. "Where the hell were you, Eddie?! You were supposed to be home half an hour ago! What is wrong with you, stupid boy!" She stood up quickly, chair screeching against the floor. "Mom, I didn't mean it, I fell asleep and missed the time, Stone had to wake me up! I rushed as fast as I could mom I swear!" He always hated lying to his mother, but sometimes it was the only thing that saved him from his mother's quick temper. He smelled the alcohol on her breath, and winced. "You stupid, stupid boy! You think I don't know when you're lying! You disgust me!" She slurred her words a bit now, and he felt a sharp sting on his cheek. It took a minute for Eddie to realize what happened, his mother hit him. For the first time in years, his mother hit him. He stood still for a moment, "You disgust me!" He spat, and stormed to his room, slamming the door.

He saw his face in his sliding glass balcony door, and saw the pink mark on his cheek, feeling something bubbling up inside him, and he didn't know exactly what it was.

He stepped out onto the balcony for his nightly stargazing. "Hey pretty boy~" 

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