Chapter 8

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Mike, Jeff, Eddie and Stone walked around the mall. Eddie never really goes to the mall, so he was still confused about the layout of everything. The rest of his friends were laughing and joking around but Eddie was honestly zoned out. "Hey Ed! Any new progress?" Stone hollared. He could be a loudmouth. Eddie shook his head and smiled at the floor, "Shut it, man." He was blushing and he was happy that his friends looked like they weren't even paying attention to this conversation.
Mike looked too distracted by some girl selling phone cases, Jeff kept looking around at everything. "Ooh guys Eddie's blushing!" He called and started laughing. Mike looked at him and rolled his eyes "Shut it Stone, you're drunk. I told you to hold off on the drinking last night. Could you listen for once? Hey!! I'm talking to you!" Mike tried to grab the collar of Stone's shirt to pull him back to pay attention to Mikes lecture.

The early afternoon sunlight from the huge skylight shone off the light gray floors and almost blinded Eddie, he had to look away for a minute. They were nearing the food court, he could tell, as the voices got increasingly loud. "Anyone up for some food?" Jeff questioned loud enough so that even Mike and Stone who were getting obviously annoyed with each other and in an almost argument could hear him "Yeah sure." They replied and Eddie nodded.

They took a seat at one of the 4 seating tables and all decided on burgers. Stone and Mike went up to get all the orders for everyone.
"Jeff!" A voice called from the distance. Eddie looked around through the crowded food court, a bunch of people minding their own business and talking, he couldn't see who was calling for Jeff until he spotted a dirty blonde boy around his age waving his hands over at them, Jeff signaled him over and Eddie started to feel a bit anxious, he's not that great at socializing, often awkward and shy. He didn't know how his friends, who were really cool and outgoing put up with him. Maybe he was okay once he got comfortable.
the boy strolled over to the table and took a seat next to Eddie, making him almost faint from being so nervous.
"Hey Kurt, what are you doing here? I thought you hated it here." Jeff interrogated eyeing the boy suspiciously "dude, I do, believe me. I have to go somewhere. I'm here with Dave. Chris has been a recluse since he met that Eddie guy. He won't stop talking about him, I don't know why. He treats all of his boyfriends like trash, I'm sure this one won't be much different, give it a while. I'm telling you, man, Chris never knows what he's doing. Anyways man, enough about me, what's happening?" The conversation droned on somewhere but Eddie felt sick to his stoumach, he felt like at any second he would faint or throw up in front of all these people and maybe even- "Hey, dude, you okay?" Kurt asked and Eddie nodded, "Yeah sorry, spaced out." Eddie nodded trying to hide his shaking hands, "What's your name?" Kurt questioned, and Eddie almost did faint this time, but smiled instead and pinched his thigh really hard to distract himself, there was no way in hell he would say his name was Eddie. "I'm Ed. I know, it's gross." Kurt laughed "I haven't seen you in school, you from around Here? " Kurt had gorgeous bright blue eyes,
and Eddie found him annoying, yet charming all at once, "Yeah of course you haven't. I'm homeschooled for some reason." Eddie shook his head, realizing how rediculous him being homeschooled actually was. Kurt smiled at him, " Well guys, better get back to Dave before he thinks I'm kidnapped. Enjoy yourselves." He beamed, and Eddie decided it was one of the cutest things he had seen in his life, and very infectious, "You too, Kurt." Eddie smiled.

He almost forgot about what was said about Chris until kurt was gone. The feeling came back again. What would he do? Would he confront Chris and tell him he knew all of this? Would he call the whole thing off? Is there even something to call off? Who made Chris look terrified like he did last night and why was he so scared? What is going On? 
Eddie snapped back into reality when he felt Stone and Mike come back with the food and take a seat at the table, he leaned over to him "We need to talk, something's come up. I don't know what to do."
They finished their Burgers in peace.

"So as I was saying, this guy named kurt came over to us, and said this guy named Chris won't shut up about this, this guy named Eddie and that he treats all of, of his boyfriends like shit, and and-"Eddie took in a deep, shaky breath, "Look, I don't know much about this, this is really an unknown situation to me, I don't know what you should do, talk to him and ask him maybe? Yknow, like a reasonable, mature person. Maybe, if it bothers you so much just space yourself for a little while, a day or so, just to think everything through." Eddie hummed in agreement, but still couldn't shake that feeling he had.

That feeling remained with him all day, and into the night too. He did not go outside on the balcony that night to meet Chris, even though he saw him through the blinds waiting for him, and Eddie felt sick.
He got into his bed and pulled the cover up under his chin, trying to ease the discomfort and hurt he felt.
His dreams, like his sleep, we're awful that night.

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