Chapter 10

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Eddie was proud to admit he didn't think of Chris all day. He was exceptionally proud of himself that he could also say he saw Chris for who he is. He could never tell his mother about this, even though he kind of wanted to, just to say, "You were right." But that couldn't happen and he knew that.

He swiveled around on his desk chair, staring with a blank expression at his science work. He must've read this question 15 times by now, but he still didn't get it. Eventually it clicked and he hurried to write it down before he lost his train of thought. There was a tap on eddie's patio doors, but he ignored it, "Damned squirrels." He muttered focusing back on his work. The noise came again, louder this time and he turned to look, only to see Chris at his door. His head was hanging low and he was hugging himself as if he was cold. Eddie didn't want him by his house, so he stomped over to the door and abruptly opened it, "what do you want, Chris?"  His voice was loud and full of suppressed rage. Chris peeked at him "were you Sick?  You haven't been out the past few ni-" "You want to know why, Chris? I know exactly what yure doing. You're doing what you do to everyone else. Tell me, do you know two guys named Kurt and Dave?" Eddie was talking so fast he could barely understand himself, and he would be shocked if Chris could, either, he was furious, "Why, Eddie?" Chris seemed confused and that only pissed Eddie off more. "Just fucking answer me, Chris. Do you know two guys named Kurt And Dave? If you don't, I'll be so sorry Chris, I'll be so sorry." He was rambling now, and Chris sighed , hands on his hips. "Kurt is the guy with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes, like yours, only his are a stronger blue. Dave has dark hair, past shoulder length. I know them, yeah.  But why are you asking?" Chris definately knew them. The descriptions were spot on. " I'm asking because according to Kurt, give it some time and I'll end up like everyone else. I'm not a fucking toy, Chris. I don't know why I did that, I should've listened to my mom. God! I should've known you were too good." Eddie rubbed his eyes and groaned. He had never felt so stupid," Eddie, I was young,I was stupid. I've been single for over a year , after that last one, I've smartened up." Chris shook his head and hugged his arms closer to his body, "what I mean to say is, that yes, in the past that was true, but after Matt, I've grown up, I've realized my mistakes and i've worked to fix them, I understand where you're coming from Eddie, but I just want to let you know that-" "Cut the crap, Chris. He would've said, ' he used to treat his boyfriends like shit, after Matt he realized to turn that around' but he said it like it's current, and until I have reason to believe you did change, I don't want to-" "Eddie, listen to Me!  I just wanted to tell you-" Eddie sharply cut him off for the third time. "Leave, im sorry, you need to leave, Chris." Chris' eyes went straight to the floor and he pursed his lips . Eddie stood there like someone who was scolding their dog for peeing on the new rugs. Chris turned and walked away, climbing back over to his apartment. Eddie let out a breath he didn't know he was even holding to begin with. He was shaking violently. He hated fighting, but some things have to be.

                      *** 1 week later ***
Eddie scratched his back and sat on the edge of his bed only to look and see a piece of paper sitting outside held down with something. Eddie stood and slowly crept to the door. A piece of paper was being held down by a rock.
He picked up the paper and began to read it.

I get where you're coming from with this, and if I were you, I wouldn't want to see me either. I mean what I said, Eddie, the view is beautiful inside and out, never think differently. Taking out the garbage that night was one of the best decisions of my life. Those nights on the balcony were the best part of my day because I got to see you, I don't know if they meant much to you, but I spent all day looking forward to 10:00 so I could see you. I'm going to miss that. If you ever need me, you know where I am. Thanks for everything, pretty boy.
Your neighbour, Chris :) "

Eddie looked over at Chris' balcony he wasn't there. Eddie climbed over to Chris' balcony and looked into his room, he wasn't there, either. Eddie hurried into his room and threw on a plaid shirt over his t-shirt and shorts to avoid getting cold. He put on some converse and ran out the door into the night to find Chris.

The night was mild, the lights from the city and storesigns still intrigued him. Eddie didn't think Chris would be in a store, or some random neighbourhood, Eddie realized finally that Chris was probably out clearing his head, and when Eddie did that, he liked a nice view. Eddie figured Chris might be at Kerry Park or maybe the Space Needle.

He broke into a jog to try to find his neighbour.

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