Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

It has been a while since Ryan went out and Kim was starting to worry about him. She thought of every worse possible thing that could've happened. She though that he could have been shot or Jackson could have captured him and be torturing him this very minuet while she is at home doing nothing. Kim thought even though she is pregnant, she had to do something. So she put on we coat and her shoes and went out in the snow. She tried to transform to a wolf, but it hurt too much in her condition. She continued walking as a human for about 30 minuets and there was no sign of Ryan anywhere. She kept walking, she needed to find Ryan. Out in the distance she saw another little house similar to hers and Ryan's. She started walking faster to the house hoping someone was in there and could help her with directions. Kim reached the door and knocked, but no one had answered. She pushed on the door and it was unlocked. It opened with a little creaking sound from the hinges. She stepped inside and looked around.

"Anyone home!" Kim shouted.

No one answered. She continued walking with each step she made creaking. Suddenly she herd a crash into kitchen. She walked over to the kitchen and slowly peaked in.

"Anybody there?" Kim said a little scared.

"Yes, in here." A unknown voice said.

"Please come out, I would like to ask for directions in a little lost."

"I don't think you would want me to come out."

"Please, please come out."

The unknown person creeped around the corner in a slow, but confident way. When the person reached the light Kim gasped. It was Jackson.

"Hello Kim." He said.

Kim tried to run away but Jackson grabbed her arm.

"Let go! Ryan, help!"

"No one can hear you out here. No use in trying. Plus I've got a surprise for you."

"I don't want any of your sick twisted surprises."

"Too bad for you." Jackson said with a smirk.

He took cloth and duct tape for the kitchen and taped her hands together and her mouth shut and blindfolded her. Jackson started walking with Kim still trying to escape from him. They went down stair into the basement and Jackson pushed Kim to the floor. Next to her she herd mumbling of someone or something.

"Have fun down her Kim, I'll deal with you later and same with you."

Jackson went up the stairs and slammed the door shut. Kim was confused on who "you" was. As soon as Jackson left Kim kept twisting to get the blindfold off. After a few minuets of struggling she got the blindfold to slip of her eyes. When she looked at the other person, she saw it was Ryan.

She mumbled to Ryan and he rumbled back to her I'm an alarmed way. Kim kept moving her mouth so eventually the duct tape would ware off. The duct tape fell from her mouth and she went to help Ryan with his blindfold by undoing it with her teeth. When Ryan saw Kim his eyes grew bigger. She then took the duct tape of using the same method.

"Kim what are you doing here. I told you to stay home."

"I was worried, so I came looking for you and here I am. May I ask howto I got here?"

"I was walking through the forest and then I was captured by that son of a bitch upstairs."

"Well what are we going to do?"

"If we can undo the duct tape on our hands we can escape.. I think."

"Ok, then what?"

"I don't know."

They sat there thinking there was no hope in escaping. They knew in their minds that they were going to be killed by Jackson. There was no escape. Kim got closer to Ryan and they both leaned on the wall, Kim's head on Ryan's shoulder. Kim started crying.

"Don't cry Kim. We will make it out f here."

"No we won't Ryan and neither will the baby."

"Don't say that Kim. We will make it one way or another."

They sat there in total silence, not a single word to be spoken.

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