Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Ryan took Kim to a cave on top of a mountain. The cave of his pack. He entered the cave.

"Wait here." He told Kim.

She stood there with silence. The woods of the mountain containing nothing but snow and fallen leaves. Out came a grey wolf from the cave followed by a white wolf, Ryan. The grey wolf circled her to get a good look. After about three times around, the grey wolf nodded at wolf Ryan. Ryan shifted into human form and took Kim's hand leading her deep into the cave. Within the cave was one other wolf, a black wolf. Kim guess that all the other wolves were either out hunting or at home, human. Inside the cave were torches up on the wall, and a circle in the middle of the cave with various signs. Signs that Kim did not understand. The two other wolves shifted into human form, one a boy, grey wolf, and the other a girl, black wolf.

"Kim, this is Jace and Kyra. The leaders of the pack." Ryan said gesturing to each as he said their names.

"Nice to be in your presents." Kim said, hopeful of a good impression.

"The pleasure is all ours." Said Kyra.

"We can turn you into a wolf with still a human form." Jace said "And from the looks of you, you are suited well enough to do so."

"All we need is your approval. Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Kyra

Kim looked at Ryan. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, and she knew for a fact. Even though they've only known each other for a few weeks, there was a spark. Something that wasn't there when she was around Jackson. She directed we attention back to Kyra and Jace.

"Yes, I'm sure." Kim said with confidence in her voice.

"We shall began then." Said Jace.

While Kyra was getting all the supplies they would need, Jace retraced the circle and signs on the floor with chalk.

"Ok Kim, we need you to stand in the circle pleas." Said Kyra

Kim looked back at Ryan. As she walked to the circle, Ryan started to walk backwards. Giving space for the magic to happen.

"This will only take a couple of second to complete. It will be over soon." Said Kyra.

Kyra set down a jar of a dust like material. She opened the jar, took a handful of the substance and traced the circle with it. Leaving the powder all around Kim.

"Please close your eyes Kim and relax." Said Jace.

Kim say there eyes closed. Only sound was the torches crackling. Both Jace and Kyra started a chant, too quiet for Kim to hear. The only part she herd was "mutare et de amoveo". Jace and Kyra stopped chanting. Silence filling the room. Kim kept her eyes shut, afraid to open them again.

"You may now open your eyes." Jace said.

"The transformation is complete." Kyra said after.

Kim didn't feel any different. Not even the slightest bit. She opened her eyes.

"You must now concentrate. You have the wolf inside you, but you need to let it out." Said Kyra

"How do I do that?" Asked Kim.

"Imagine yourself changing from wolf to human." Jace said

Kim concentrated. It didn't work.

"It's not working." Kim said with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"Your trying too hard. That's why." Said Kyra. "Remove your mind of all thoughts, but the reason why you want to shift into a wolf."

Kim cleared her mind. She imagined Ryan and being with him, how happy she felt. The reason why she wanted to become a wolf in the first place, Ryan. She opened her eyes. Her vision was different. Ryan was suddenly taller. She had realized she did it. She shifted. Her coat is a dirty white not a pure white like Ryan's, but she did have the golden eyes, exactly like Ryan's. She began to walk toward the exit of the cave. She began jogging, then running. She ran out into to the snow taking in her surroundings. Along side her was Ryan in wolf form. Jace and Kyra stayed in the cave, thinking it would be better off to leave them alone. Ryan nudged Kim asking to run. Turning her attention away from the landscape and to Ryan. She nodded and began to run, faster and faster every moment. Ryan was faster though. She could feel the wind through her fur. Kim tackled Ryan as they were going down hill. Tumbling over each other until they reached the bottom. The stopped tumbling, with Ryan on top of Kim. She licked his snout, knowing now she could be with him, forever. They turned back human, and started walking towards Kim's house. Once they reached her front door, they have a goodbye kiss and say goodnight.

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