Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Kim woke up to a delicious smell from the kitchen. She got up and went downstairs and found Ryan in the kitchen baking pancakes.

"Good morning love. Had a nice sleep?"

Ryan said.

"Good morning and of course." Kim answered.

"Come sit down." Ryan said.

Kim made her way to the table and say down in the wooden chair. Ryan set a tower of pancakes down the little wooden table. Kim started to eat the tower pancake by pancake and a third way through she stopped eating, she couldn't eat anymore.

"Good enough?" Ryan asked.

"Mhmmmmmmm." Kim said. "So how are we gonna do this whole wedding thing? What would we do with the baby?"

"Don't worry Kim. I have all this worked out." Ryan assured her.

"Ok. Speaking of the baby, how is he this morning?" Kim asked.

"He's well, I fed him the formula and all that baby shit that you have to do."

Kim smirked at the comment. She got up and kissed Ryan on the cheek and went back upstairs to check on Gale. She picked him up out of his cradle and went back downstairs. Kim grabbed her jacket and Gales little blanket and went outside.

"I'm going out with Gale for a moment Ryan, I'll be back in a little bit!" Kim shouted from the for before it closed.

"Ok! Be careful!" Ryan shouted from the living room.

"You know I'll be!" Kim said.

Ryan had a smile on his face and went into the kitchen to eat his breakfast. Kim walked up the snow mountain to the top. She set Gale on the ground and tried her best to teach him how to shift. After about 6 attempts Gale could change into a wolf for about 17 seconds an then back to human. Kim picked up Gale and continued walking through the forest of the mountain. When she got a little further into the forest she herd a stick break near her. Kim stopped in her trails and held Gale closer to her while she looked around her. She couldn't see anything or hear anything so she continued on her stroll thinking it could possibly be a rabbit or raccoon. A little later she herd a little foot step behind her. She quickly turned around but she found no one. She started to walk out of the forest when out of the blue she was tackled by someone she didn't know of. She tried to scream and get out of the grasp but she couldn't be herd. The person tugged hard on Kim to get up and when they did so she lost grip of Gale. The person continued to push Kim along leaving Gale alone in the forest. They forced Kim into a pick up truck as drove as fast as they could down the mountain and Kim was gone. Gale started to cry, he was helpless out in the forest. Back at home Ryan herd a strange noise out further away from him. He went to the door and stayed as quiet as possible, he recognize the sound of Gales cry. He shifted and followed his cry and ran as fast as he could. He could only imagine what had happened to Kim or Gale. He got to the forest where Kim once was and found Gale in the snow. He shifted back and picked him up. Gale was ice cold. Ryan rapped Gale up back in his blanket and tried to call out to Kim.

"KIM! KIM!" Ryan shouted. "KIM PLEASE ANSWER ME!"

He herd nothing. He walked a little further and found in the snow a trail of footprints and tired track. He ran following the tracks. After a while he was at the base of another house, a familiar house. He thought of where he knew this house from and then it came to mind. It was his house, the very house that he ran away from when he was little after both of his parents died. He thought to himself who could've captured Kim if his parents no longer where alive. He entered the house and started to look around. The one thing he didn't know about his past is before he was born he had an elder brother that was born good but grew evil by the moment. His brother used his wolf for evil, he'd go around killing innocent people for the fun of it. He enjoyed the smell and taste of blood. Nothing could stop his evil and nothing could turn him back to his once good self. All he could do was kill.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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