Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

The next morning The doctor came in and woke up Ryan.

"Your baby is ready to leave. When she is awake she can put her clothes on and you two can come down to the nursery and collect him."

"Thank you doctor." Ryan said with a smile.

*2 hours later*

Kim finally woke up and Ryan was the first person she saw.

"Hey." Ryan said.

"Hey." Kim said with a smile on her face.

"The doctor said we can get Gale when your ready. Your clothes are on the table over there."


Kim got out of the hospital bed and went to the table.

"Do you mind?" She said with a smirk.

"Not at all."

Kim rolled her eyes with a smile and went to the bathroom to change. After about 2 minuets she was fully dressed and ready to leave.

"That didn't take long."

"Not a girls take forever to change ya know."

"Yes I know."

Kim took Ryan's hand and they walked out the door and headed down to the nursery. They got to the big window where you can look into the nursery. They both gazed at Gale and then into each other's eyes.

"So how does it feel to be a dad?"

"It feels amazing, how does it feel being a mother?"

"The exact thing."

They both pecked each other's lips and looked back at Gale.

"Shall we go in?"

"We shall." Said Ryan with a smile.

They went in and the nurse handed Gale over to Kim.

"Congrats you two. You'll make good parents, I can tell."

"Thank you very much." Said Kim

Ryan and Kim exited with his hand on her back. They went back down to the lobby and started walking back to their house.

After 18 minuets of walking they reached their house. They opened the door and went upstairs and went into the bedroom.

"Where do we put Gale?"

"On the bed for now. I'll gather wood and stuff for the crib and build it before night." Ryan said.


Kim put Gale on the bed and Ryan went back downstairs and went outside with an axe to chop down some trees.

*4 hours later*

Ryan got all the wood he needed and went back inside and went upstairs with the wood. When he went into the bedroom he found both Kim and Gale asleep with Gale in Kim's arms. He set the wood on the floor and gently woke Kim up.

"I suggest going downstairs if you want to continue sleeping."

Kim nodded and carried Gale down stairs and they both continued resting on the couch. Ryan started building the cradle.

*3 hours later*

Ryan finished building the crib and smoothed out all the rough edges. He grabbed a blanket from the bed and placed it in the crib. He went downstairs and woke up Kim again.

"You can put Gale in the crib. It's finished."

"Can't wait to see it."

Kim went up the stairs first and Ryan followed behind. She oped the door and found the crib on the other side of the bed.

"It's beautiful Ryan. Good job."

"It was worth all the effort."

Kim proceeded to the crib and placed Gale inside. The crib was a standees crib with bars on the outside so the baby couldn't get out. Perfectly smoothed out. Kim watched Gale sleep. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. Ryan wen over to the dresser and searched for his mothers ring. He was going to propose to Kim, today was the day.

"Kim, do you know what would go perfect with having this baby?"


Ryan got down on one knee and Kim stared at him with a surprised expression.

"Kim, we have been through so much and every day I keep falling in love with you. Through the rough situations we always worked it out and we had have fights from time to time but that is what love is about. Kim, what I'm trying to say is will you...."

"YES YES YES!!!" Kim stopped him from speaking and went to hug him tightly. "A thousand times yes."

Ryan slipped the ring on her finger and they embraced in a passionate yet gentle kiss. They sat there hugging each other with tears in Kim's eyes.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes?"

Kim punched Ryan playfully and they both laughed. They got into bed and fell asleep with Ryan's arm around Kim and her head laying on his chest. Today was the over all best day for Kim and for Ryan.

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