Someone to talk to

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Gerald saw Arnold walking home melancholy after school.

"Hey man what's up, you didn't take the bus?"

"No Gerald I wanted to walk a little, I feel like my mind is under water" Replied Arnold looking down.

Gerald scratched his neck trying to think what to say. "You know Arnold if you come clear with your feelings, you'll feel much better"

Arnold stared at him confused.
"That is it, I don't know what I feel"

"Okay Man, tell me everything and I mean all of it, since the beginning at FTi" Asked Gerald

"What is it to tell, you know what happen, you were there" Said Arnold.

By this point Gerald was getting upset.
"You see man that's your problem, you can't tell me anything.. I don't know if you do it to protect yourself or if it's something else"

"I'm opening up, where talking right now." He insisted.

"Man, Just Tell me why don't you want me to know about FTi? What are you hiding?!" Asked Gerald upset as he continue to walk next to Arnold.

"I'm not hiding anything, it's just that it's complicated" said Arnold trying to think what to say.

"What about today in the cafeteria. You were acting so eager to her...what did you talk to Helga about?" Asked Gerald.

"I just told her to watch out for Andrew"

Gerald rolled his eyes. "And you took almost 2o minutes to tell her that!?"

"Really Gerald? Did I took that long with her, it didn't feel like it"

Gerald was frustrated and didn't know what to do anymore. "I thought we we're best friends! I guess you don't trust me then!"

Arnold wanted to express what he felt, but he couldn't think straight, his mind was full of doubts about everything.

Gerald has enough of his silence.
"You know....why am I even wasting my time with this!? I don't need this!" He said as he walked away upset.

Arnold wanted to tell Gerald about his encounter with Helga  and FTi and how it was Helga's idea to find the tape that ended up saving the entire neighborhood and everything else that was troubling him but he couldn' was like he couldn't understand his own feelings, something inside his heart was changing or maybe the feeling was always there and he couldn't see it till now.

He finally arrived at the border house.
"Hey Shortman! look horrible...what's going on Arnold do you want to talk?" Asked his grandpa.

"Yes grandpa I need help" Said Arnold as he was walking to the living room.

They both sat quietly and prepared for a long talk.

"Okay Arnold what happen?"

"I don't know how to begging?" Arnold had his hands over his head with his elbows over his knees.

"I have time, come on Arnold I'm here for you start at the begging"

He took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. "Well...remember grandpa when I told you. Gerald and I were at FTi building getting the tape that showed the document stating the neighbor was a national mark. Well what I didn't tell you was that Helga was there and the tape was all her idea... as we were trapped on the roof top, Helga confess something to me..."

"Go on Arnold I'm listening" his grandfather encourage him.

Arnold sighed "Helga confess how much she, loved me,  she said money wasn't everything. Grandpa she and her father were going to get rich off the whole deal!...but she left it all to and then...she kissed me"

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