Breaking trust

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Helga's hands were sweaty, her mouth felt dry, she couldn't stop walking back and forth inside her room. Going over and over again what she had just wrote. She kept thinking about all the encounters she had with Arnold the last couple of months, all the times they talked and laughed, even when she screamed at him because he saw her undressed. And how can she forget that out of control steamy kiss they had at the VIP room. "I love Arnold, oh how I wish I could run to his arms and kiss him over and over again. My lovely sweet Football head all this time we been together and my head and self torments kept confusing my heart, but now my heart is clear of any doubts, I want to be your girl!!!" Helga raised her voice in excitement.

Arnold woke up hearing Helga's voice like she was calling out to him. He sat on his bed and rubbed his head "oh what a head ache and I could swear I heard Helga calling me, my mind is playing games on me again." Arnold got up and decided to take a little run in the park to help him clear his mind.

Helga was cleaning her room and talking to herself "How can I talk to Arnold if I don't want to drag him into my problems, into my complicated life at home. I need to be honest with him and tell him everything and hope for the best."
Than Helga remembered. "Andrew, I'm supposed to go out with him today! Crimity....I did make it clear that I wanted us to go out as friends and nothing more, still I have to be honest with Andrew as well and tell him how I feel about him today. I'll talk to him after the movies." Said Helga as she was getting some clothing ready for her friendly date with Andrew.

Than Helga's phone rang, it was Phoebe.
" Ohayou Gozaimasu Helga" Phoebe spoke Japanese.
"Good morning Phoebe"
"You sound cheerful Helga, anything special happen?"
"Yes, Phoebe I didn't realize till this morning after I spoke to Arnold. Ifelt like writing after so long of not being able to. I began to write a poem and when I finished writing it, I realized I always wanted Arnold and now I'm ready to be his girlfriend."

"Yay Congratulations Helga that is great news, you should call him."
"Yes Phoebe, but I prefer to tell him in person and then yesterday, I accepted to go out with Andrew."
"Oh my!" Said Phoebe surprised
"Yes exactly, I did tell him we were going out as friends. But his so charming and bright every time I talk to him, he makes it really difficult to just see him as just a friend... but I want to be with Arnold."
"So, what are you going to do?" Asked Phoebe.
Helga thought...
"Can we meet by the park Phoebe to talk about it, I need some fresh air."
"Sure Helga, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes."
The girls hang up.

Arnold had been jogging in the park for a good hour, when he heard whatit seemed like Helga and Phoebe were talking on a bench.
There was a walking path behind the bench from where Helga and Phoebe weretalking with trees and tall plants. He stepped a little closer to them frombehind the bench when he heard Helga telling Phoebe about her plans with Andrewthat day.
"Yeah Phoebe so Andrew will come by the house around three to pick me upand I guess will go skating and then a movie, we will see."
"So you're going to be honest with him about your feelingsafterwards." Asked Phoebe
"Yes, now that my heart is finally settle on what I want I have to tellhim the truth."
"Gosh Helga how do you think he will react?"
"I don't know Phoebe, but he's a really good guy, honest and sweet I don'thave a doubt in my mind about...." than Helga heard a cracking noisecoming from the bushes. She quickly turned and Arnold hid behind a bush.
This is wrong I can't spy on her like this. But I have to know about herplans for today with that jerk. Thought Arnold.
"What Helga?" Asked Phoebe

"Nothing, I thought I heard something." Said Helga thinking.

"Well I'm so happy for you. When you told me over the phone, how you realize that you loved him by writing the poem and that now you are ready to become his girlfriend it was so adorably sweet. Your heart knew it all along Helga, you just had to released it in your writing." Said Phoebe very excited for Helga.

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