The volleyball practice

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The next morning Helga and Phoebe were on the bus talking. When she saw Arnold get on the bus alone, she couldn't help to noticed something was wrong. He looked worried and distracted. Where was Gerald? she wonder.

"Hey Phoebe, do you know where's Gerald today?" She asked concern.

"No Helga, but I will text him"

"You have his cell number!?" Helga asked surprised.

"Yes, he gave me his number yesterday" Replied Phoebe as she was sending a text to Gerald.

My poor Arnold my beloved, he looks so lonesome today, I need to try to be nice to him. thought Helga.

"Gerald just texted me, he said he will meet me in class today" Replied Phoebe with a smile.

"I wonder if something happened between Gerald and Arnold, they always ride the bus together" Said Helga.

"Gosh I don't know, but if I find out I'll let you know Helga" Said Phoebe

After they arrived in school Helga was at her locker grabbing some books when Andrew paid her a visit.

"Good morning Helga, how's your morning so far?"

"I was having a good morning till you came along" Replied Helga while closing her locker.

Andrew laughed "You have such strong energy Helga, don't ever lose that"

"I won't don't you worry about that" she smirked as she was walking towards class.

Andrew catch up to her. "Hey Helga I wanted to ask you a quick question"

Helga didn't answer.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" she said.

"I was asking since I saw a blond guy approached you yesterday during lunch and you stepped outside the cafeteria with him"

"You mean Arnold"

"So that's his name.... I guess his your boyfriend...I seen the way you stared at him"

Helga stopped walking and turned to look at Andrew straight in to his eyes.
"Look bucko, I don't need anyone telling me how I stare or not stare at Arnold, so get out of my way"

As Helga was walking faster, Andrew walked up to her again "So you belong to Arnold?"

She quickly grabbed Andrew by his collar shirt.
"I don't belong to anyone, now leave me alone"

Helga walked in to her first period class she noticed Arnold was already seating on his desk.
"Hey Football head, what's digging you?"

Helga was hoping for Arnold to tell her something about why he was alone at the bus.

"I'm fine Helga, thanks for asking" Replied Arnold with a soft smile.

During class Arnold was focus on his work and didn't pay attention to Helga, on the other hand Helga couldn't stopped gazing at him and wondering if Gerald and Arnold had a fight.

The bell rang announcing the next class. Arnold stood up and walked fast past Helga, it almost seem like he was trying to avoid her.

Arnold POV
I saw Helga this morning at the bus and during class, she looked so beautiful...but I knew I wasn't ready to talk to her yet.. then I saw Andrew walking next to Helga almost following her. I couldn't stand it, I tried to look the other way and focus in class work.*

Later that day during lunch, the guys sat at their usual table. Gerald was seating four seats away from Arnold and didn't even say hi to him. Harold was eating his usual lunch and talking to Josh and Raul about some school parties... "Hey Arnold, Rhonda is going to have a huge party this weekend are you coming"  ask Josh.

"I don't think so, besides she hasn't invited me"
Replied Arnold very serious.

"What about you Gerald?" asked Raul.

"Naah.. I'm not going man" Replied Gerald.

"Are you two mad?" Asked Harold to Arnold and Gerald

"Not at all" answer Arnold continuing eating.

Gerald didn't even answer, he finished his lunch, stood up and walked away. Arnold stayed seating with the guys.

As Gerald when to the other side of the cafeteria he saw Andrew talking to some guys and overheard their conversation.

"Yeah so, I'm telling you I find Helga very interesting, it's just that I'm not sure if that blond guy is her boyfriend, he looks very protective of her."

"Helga no, I don't believe Arnold is her boyfriend, actually I haven't seen her with anyone... I must warned you thou, she has a reputation of being very strong temper and very stubborn."

"Yes I noticed she has a strong temperament, but I like it and now that I know she's not taken I want to get to know her better, I have a feeling Helga is more then what she meets the eye." Replied Andrew with a very confident look.

Another friend told Andrew, "I know Helga is in the volleyball team and their practices start today or tomorrow I think. I know because my sister is in the volleyball team too. Maybe you can catch her alone after practices.."        

"Maybe I can" Replied Andrew smirking.

After Gerald heard the conversation Andrew had with his friends and thought.
Arnold is going to want to know about this..

In the mean time Helga and Phoebe were talking, about there day so far. Helga was telling Phoebe how serious and lonely Arnold looked today.

"Oh I know Helga, I asked Gerald but he said not to worry about it"

" I don't known Phoebe, I just can't stand seeing Arnold so lonely, I feel like I have to do something..." Said Helga desperate.

" I have my first Volleyball practice today, so I can't take the bus with you Phoebe, don't wait up"

"Okay Helga, have fun at practice" Replied Phoebe.

The bell rang and it was time for class.

The day progressed with nothing out of the ordinary, Helga had Arnold for last period has well, however he acted the same way he did in first period, very quiet and focus in class.

The last bell of the day rang, Arnold and Phoebe took the bus home, and Helga knowing she had to stay a few hours for practice she decided to call her parents, "Come on Miriam pick up the phone!" she told herself as she was calling her mother. Miriam's and Bob's cell phones were ringing but no one answer.
"ahh that's just peachy, maybe they'll see my missed calls and call will me latter".

As practice started first it was warmed up, then a lap run then practicing with the volleyball net high. Helga had done ballet all summer so her body wasn't as stiff as some of the other girls and she had a mean punch with the ball. After practice was over the coach did a long speech about what they will be seeing that year and all the upcoming tournaments. Helga couldn't even take a look at her cell since it was in her locker. I hope Mariam and Bob see my calls and messages to pick me up, it's getting late and I would really hate to walk in the dark, unless someone gives me a ride. Helga thought to herself.

Once the girls were ready to be picked up Helga noticed her parents didn't return her calls or messages. "Crimity, I hate this!" She Shouted. She now knew she had to find some other way to get home. She began asking some girls if they're parents could give her a ride home. No one could take her, their excuses were, it was too far or there home was the other way and so on..  "You know what! Forget this, I'm walking home, I hate begging people for a ride!"

It was darker and Helga knew the walk was not going to be pleasant, the way home by walk wasn't save in that area especially for a teenage girl after dark, but she didn't have any other choice, there were no more buses after that hour. As Helga was walking she kept calling her parents and hoping that one of them could take her call, "where are you Mariam?? And Bob is not answering either, that's what I get for having them as parents, shit!" Said Helga out load.

Helga had walked good 20 minutes when she felt that someone was following her...

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