Speak again bright Angel

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Helga and Andrew arrived at English class first period, "Please come in and have a seat on the last two empty desk, what are your names?" the teacher asked

"Helga G Pataki"

"Andrew Cooper"

They both replied as they were walking towards their desks.

"Welcome to English 3 have a seat, today we have a lot to cover" the teacher continued.

There was an empty desk behind Arnold, Helga sat there and Andrew sat on the empty desk next to her.

Arnold's POV:
I had Mr. Banda for English, the bell had just rung and class was about to start when I heard, Helga. She was complaining to someone from the hallway. At first I couldn't understand her but then her voice became clear "No wonder you were so eager to know my name...and you expected me to meet up with you!"
What! Who is she talking to? I thought to myself, my heart begging to beat faster when I heard those words so eager to know her name and wants to meet with her, when the teacher refer to them as love birds I felt my stomach twisted. The moment I saw Helga walked in class, I felt my heart jumped out of my chest. She looked so beautiful with her rosy cheeks, and then I saw him, I immediately thought trouble, to me he was a player out to get my Helga.

Helga POV:
My heart was racing the moment I saw Arnold in class, the entire morning looking for him and there he was, in my first period class. His eyes widened the moment he saw me, that was clear as day, maybe he was just surprised to see me or was he? Oh my loving Arnold if only I could scream to the world all my feelings for you and cover you in kisses. The only two available seats where behind Arnold, I sat behind my love and oh Andrew, I had forgotten about him, he sat next to me.

Back in class the teacher announced "Will be reviewing two stories this semester, the first one is Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare and the second book is The treasures are within by Charles Williams" at that moment Arnold's mind when back to his dream; his father was telling him "we see someone who loves you very much and will do anything to see you happy, she is your true treasure and it comes in the plainest box." Arnold's mind came back to his classroom and everyone was applauding, what's going on he thought. "Can you please come to the front of the class Arnold and you too Helga" Asked the teacher, Arnold was still lost what had happened? He wondered

The teacher continued "Since that fabulous Romeo and Juliet performance back when you two were in Elementary no other school in the state has won the Best in Theatrical performance in school level Award...Lets here it again class" and the students applauded again. "Let's see the scene when Romero first meet Juliet outside her window, that is if you still remember the lines." The teacher asked.

"Ah...yes sure" Said Arnold a bit insecure.

At first Helga was going to decline remembering the lines, when in reality she knows them by heart, to her those lines represented Arnold and their first kiss, however when she saw Arnold agreeing to it so did she.

"Yeah sure no problem" she replied.

Arnold for a moment thought oh man I should have said no, I don't think I remember the lines but when he looked up and saw Helga in the eyes all the lines bust in to his heart.

"But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? it is the east and Juliet is the sun.
As daylight doth a lamp, her eyes in heaven,
Would through the airy region stream so bright that...Hmmm... hmmm...birds would sign and think it were not night."

"Ay me!"

"She speaks, O, speak again bright Angel!"

(Arnold's heart was beating faster while saying this words and grabbed Helga's hand)

"O, Romeo, Romero! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."

(Helga's heart was melting with every word she was saying while her eyes shine bright with Feelings for Arnold, her hand began to heat up and shake while Arnold was holding it.)

"BRAVO!" The teacher cheered while the students applauded again, then Rhonda who also had that class raise her hand.

"Yes Rhonda go ahead" Said the teacher

"Should we mention they hold the record for longest kiss in history while performing award"

Rhonda said this trying to be a smart mouth and make fun. Everyone laughed...

Helga gave Rhonda a deadly look and was about to say something when Arnold place his hand on Helga's shoulder letting all of her anger disappeared.

"Thank you Arnold and Helga for that marvelous performance." Said The teacher.

When Helga and Arnold return to their desk, Andrew was looking at Arnold differently thinking this won't be easy...

The bell rung and it was time for the next class, Arnold found the opportunity to talk to Helga.

"Hey Helga how you been?

"Just peachy football head, what about you?"

"Oh I been good, I was surprise to see you at this class, we usually don't have classes together" Said Arnold with a shy look

"I know Football head; this year my schedule is wack! I hardly have any classes with Phoebe"

"Really, let me look at your schedule Helga"

While Arnold was looking at Helga's schedule...Andrew passed by them.

"Remember the invitation is still standing, if you're interested!" Said Andrew smiling and walked away.

"What was that all about!?" Arnold asked with frustration "Oh, nothing football head" replied Helga, "It doesn't seem like nothing, is that jerk bothering you!?" Arnold was even more upset.

"Take it easy Arnoldo, I can handle it and besides why are you so eager to know?" Asked Helga while raising one eyebrow.

Oh, she looks adorable, Arnold thought,

"Aww nothing just asking" he replied while looking down.

"Hey Football head, how come after all this years, you still remember Romero's lines?" she asked blushing

"Oh I don't know, I guess I never forgotten"
He answered with a sincere face.

"You knew your lines after all this years too Helga and actually your performance was really good" he was blushing even more.

"Really? ... well that's because I'm a professional Arnoldo, it was all great acting and I have a great memory, that's why I still remember my lines...Wait, are you referring to my performance just now or back in the fourth grade? "She was confusion and shy at the same time.

"Well...both actually...were you...really...acting?" Asked Arnold while looking straight to her blue eyes.

Helga's eyes widened for a second in shock of what Arnold had just said, does he knows my secret she Wonder...and quickly snapped out of it and told Arnold with attitude

"Are you going to hold my schedule all day because I need to move on to my next class."

"Oh...sorry, we have two classes together and lunch, here's your schedule Helga, I'll be seeing you." Replied Arnold with a smile

"Yeah, yeah, see you later Football head."

As they both when there're separates ways, for now...

Author Notes

I just loved the Romeo and Juliet episode, so I knew I had to added on to my story some how..

Also I wanted to see Arnold a little bit jealous on this chapter, will see what happens next...

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