He's already a winner

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The next day Helga woke hugging the teddy bear Arnold had giving her, it smelled just like his cologne and his scent. She had a feeling it was going to be a really special day. She decided to wear black leggings with a long pink shirt that fitted her body tightly and her black converse.

That morning Arnold received a text message from Gerald.
"Are you ready for the talent show?" -Gerald
"Are you nervous, bro?" - Gerald
"I am and you?" - Arnold
"Nah I'm cool."- Gerald
"Yeah right:/" - Arnold
"Shoot, I'm terrified man." - Gerald
"I thought so :D" - Arnold
"Hey Arnold guess what?" - Gerald
"What Gerald?"
" I have some news for you." - Gerald
"I think Helga is going to seat by you at the bus." - Gerald
"Stop playing with me Gerald."
"I'm not playing bro, Phoebe texted me this morning she wants me to seat with her."
"that doesn't mean Helga is going to seat by me." - Arnold
"That's why I said, I think.... they always seat together so, if Helga won't seat with Phoebe than with whom?" - Gerald

Arnold thought for a minute. There's a possibility she might seat with me. Thought Arnold.

The bus first picked up Helga and Phoebe and then the guys. Arnold hands were sweating just thinking. Why would Helga seat with me? Could it be because of what she texted me yesterday, telling me she loved me or maybe it's because she wants to become my girlfriend. Thought Arnold

The bus arrived "After you bro." Said Gerald as he gave Arnold the pass to go first. He just gave him the look as he got on. Arnold sat on his usual seat, as soon as Helga saw him she stood up and walked towards Arnold "Can you slide over Arnoldo I like to seat by the window." Said Helga, has she was trying to step over Arnold making him more nervous to have her back and everything else so close to his "oops...sorry Football head" Helga slipped while moving over Arnold causing her to accidentally fall seating down on his hips. Arnold's eyes widened "Crimity, can you believe the slimy stuff some people leave on the floor." Said Helga while seating on Arnold trying to step somewhere clean. She placed her backpack on the seat than she scooted over from Arnold's lap. Arnold blushed and quickly placed his backpack over his hips.

His heart started to beat uncontrollably.
"Hey Football head, how's your morning?"
Arnold was a bit distracted. "Ugh... Good Helga and you look....different today." Stupid of me why did I say different. Thought Arnold.
"Different?" repented Helga raising her eyebrow.
"I meant beautiful." Said Arnold nervous.
Helga look at him mad than she laughed.
"Don't worry Football head, I'm just playing with you." Said Helga smiling.
"oh good.... So, you didn't want to seat with Phoebe today?"
"I do, but I wanted to talk to you before school and all."
"Really about what?" He Said feeling more nervous.
Helga sighed "first of all I never...apologize for screaming at you at the movies and telling you that I.... didn't..."
"You don't have to say it Helga. I'm the one that should be apologizing for spying on you and Andrew, I should have trusted you and giving you privacy from the beginning." Said Arnold looking down.
"Don't feel bad Football head.... I would have done the same....and have done that in the past when I saw you hanging with other, girls." Admitted Helga blushing.

Arnold and Helga stared at each other "Let's not do that again."Said Helga hugging Arnold. "It won't, I promised." Replied Arnold.
After they hugged, Helga grabbed his hand. Arnold began to breathe faster, as he tried to look under control in front of Helga.
"I also wanted to talk to you about Andrew."
I knew it, it was too good to be true. He thought.
"What about him?" Asked Arnold not looking so interested.
"Has he talk to you?" Asked Helga
Arnold didn't want to tell Helga anything about Andrew. But he wanted to be honest with her, after all he did promised no more sneaking around or not trusting her.
"He spoke to me a couple of days ago, I guess I don't keep track of the time with his last conversation." Admitted Arnold.
Helga's eyes widened "Really, what did he talked to you about?" Asked Helga impatiently.
"Why do you want to know?" Asked Arnold serious. Helga was till grabbing Arnold's hand.
"I want to be able to open up to you Football head about..... fffffeelings and I want to be....honest, but I need you to help me."
Helga was having a really hard time being so open with Arnold about her thoughts and concerns, it was all new to her.
Arnold exhaled slowly. He grabbed Helga's hand with both of his hands and begging to caress it. "You're right Helga, you're being honest with me about your concerns and I'm not making it easy for you." Here it goes thought Arnold. "The first couple of days when you were at the hospital unconscious Andrew went to see you with Phoebe. He sat by your bed and started talking to you. I don't know about what. Apparently you began to move your hand and you spoke to Andrew still unconscious."

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