You are my sunshine

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The dance presentation was over, everyone was picked up, except for Helga she was seating on the auditorium stairs just looking down, she had multiple calls on her phone from when she called Miriam and Bob, again nothing no response from either one of them. She was so mad, mad at herself for feeling that way and mad at her parents. "If Olga was the one dancing Miriam and Bob would have never missed her performance" she told herself, but she was Helga so she was not worth seeing, thought Helga. She wanted to cream and cry but she kept swallowing, "stay strong Helga" she encouraged herself.

A call from Arnold came through, she didn't feel like answering or talking to anyone, so she ignored the call.

A minute later another call from Arnold, "Crimity.... now what Football head" Said Helga before taking the call.

"Hello" answer Helga.

"Hey Helga, how you been?" Asked Arnold

"Just peachy Arnold, why?"

"I was just thinking of you... and I was wondering how you were doing."

"Yeah well you know Arnold...." Replied Helga serious and with a low tone voice.

"Helga wants wrong?!"

"Nothing" Replied Helga

"Helga... tell me!"

"I already told you Arnold, nothing I'm just doing peachy, so tell me what you want already!" Said Helga a bit upset.

"You know Helga, I know when you're lying and I'm not letting you go till I know what's bothering you."

Helga grinned her teeth in desperation, she couldn't take it anymore. "I hate you Arnold, that's what's wrong!" She shouted.

Arnold was silence for a second.
"Why don't you call me Football head or Arnoldo?...You see I knew something was wrong."

The dance teacher asked Helga "Did you call your parents dear.?" Helga was on the phone with Arnold.

"Hang on" Said Helga to Arnold.

"Yes I did and... they haven't call me back" Replied Helga to the dance teacher.

"Well if there're not going to pick you up I can drive you home, will be leaving in five minutes I'll grabbed my bag."

The teacher left and Helga continue on her call with Arnold.

"Yeah I'm here..." Said Helga

"Helga you should have told me about your parents."

"What is it to tell, that I don't matter to them because I'm not Olga or that they don't know I'm alive or, that my life is just shit when it comes to them..why Arnold, why do you care!?" Yelled Helga with her voice breaking.

Arnold was silence listening to her pain.
"I care because... your special to me."

"Special to you! mean like everyone else that's special to you, come on Arnoldo, I know you and you care enough for everybody, I'm not special!" Said Helga with tears in her eyes.

"You mean to me more then you know...Do you really know me Helga? Do you know what's in my heart?!" Said Arnold feeling the stress of trying to tell her the right words from his heart.

The teacher walked over to Helga, "Come on Helga let's go, tell me your address."

"I have to go." Said Helga to Arnold

"Do you really hate me Helga?" Asked Arnold with a sad tone.

"I may hate the world, but you Football head... never."

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