The nightmare

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Helga was left in the kitchen with her mother, Bob had gone upstairs to unpack.

What just happened? Did Bob listen to what I had said? Did he actually call me by my name and not Olga. thought Helga.

Miriam hugged her. "Honey I don't know what I could have done without you." she kissed Helga on her forehead. "Look Miriam the only reason why you're hugging me it's because Bob didn't leave. But you need to realize your problem and do something about it. I will help you see a rehab center for you to register, because this problem of yours needs to stop."

Miriam was staring at Helga confused, she wanted to improve to become a better mother, to stop her drinking.

Helga began to look in the cabinets and drawers and pulled out all the alcohol and placed them in the trash can. "Miriam if you don't stop drinking you will lose Bob and me, if that matters to you."

"Of course it matters Helga, you're my daughter." said Miriam.

"Daughter... and do you know what that means?" asked Helga

"Helga don't be so hard on me, you know I'm trying."

"Are you? Drink your smoothie the way you're supposed to drink it, without alcohol."

Helga help her mother prepared a delicious smoothie with fruit and skim milk.

"Here you go Miriam." Helga serve the smoothie to her mother and grabbed her backpack and gym bag. "I'm going upstairs to take a shower and work on my homework, please Mom think about what just happened and call the rehab center and will work through this, together."

Arnold arrived home tired and stress, he was about to take a shower when he got a text from Sid.

"I have news and a video, see you at the park by the old fountain in an hour." - Sid

An hour later Arnold was waiting at the location. Sid showed up with the video with sound.

"You have to see this" Said Sid as he handed him the small camera.

The video was taking from up a tree you could see Andrew talking to Jacob and Jamal and the other guys. Arnold saw how upset Andrew got with Jacob and how he grabbed him by the collar and how he admitted how special Helga was too him.

Arnold watch the entire encounter between Andrew and the guys. After finishing watching the video, he was serious and handed the camera back to Sid. "I'm still checking on him Arnold, I'll keep you posted but so far that's all I got... I have to admit he's a good guy for defended Helga's honor like that." Said Sid.

"Yes, he did good by defending her." Said Arnold almost not wanting to admit it. "Keep me posted Sid."

"Sure will and text me the name of his previous school." Replied Sid

On the way back home Arnold thought. What if Andrew is actually a good guy and I'm thinking wrong of him just because he likes Helga. But even if he is honest, I can't let him have Helga, not unless.... if Helga stops loving me. But no, that can never happen...right?

Later that day Helga was working on her homework before going to bed, Andrew texted Helga.

"Hello Beautiful." - Andrew

"Hey Andrew" - Helga

"How are you?" - Andrew

"Not so hot and you?" - Helga

"I help my father cut the grass and played tea time with pumpkin." - Andrew

"Pumpkin?" - Helga

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