Chasing her heart

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The next day Helga was going to first period class, when Arnold ran to reach her.
"Helga I need to talk to you, please listen."
Helga ignore him and walked faster. Arnold was trying to keep up with her.
"I don't have anything to do with that text believe me, I don't even know why she send it.. please listen I..."
That's when Andrew walked up to Helga
"Good Morning Helga" Said Andrew
"Hey Andrew" Replied Helga walking in to the classroom, still ignoring Arnold.

He wanted to grabbed Andrew and push him away, but he had to control himself to avoid getting in to trouble in class.

Arnold sat on his desk when Linda walk up to him..."Hi Arnold, you look good today" Said Linda smiling.
"Hey" Said Arnold trying not to have too much conversation with her.

It was a busy day in class and Arnold was thinking how to get Helga to talk to him...
Then he heard Helga whisper something to Andrew but he couldn't make up what they were saying, he just heard Andrew whisper back "Sure I can do that.", Arnold turned around to say something to Helga when the teacher said.
"Mr.Shortman I want your eyes in front of the class." Arnold just rolled his eyes and faced the front again.

When the bell rang Andrew escorted Helga out of the classroom and Arnold was about to follow them when Linda got in front of Him. "Arnold I wanted to talk to you about the book report, we need to work on it fast before we are running out of time and we have to turn it  in this Friday, I send you the link yesterday."
Arnold did not want to heard it but when Linda mentioned about the text Arnold asked her.
"Did you know you send me a photo attached on your text?" Asked Arnold serious
"No I didn't" Replied Linda
"You did, here let me show it to you."
And Arnold pull out his phone and show her the photo.

Linda just made a surprise face expression.
"Oh I guess I attached it by mistake...." Replied Linda smiling
"Well that mistake cause me a lot of trouble." Said Arnold
"Did it, well I don't understand with whom...since I haven't seen you with any girls recently...unless if it was with that girl you spy on so much... but she's always with Andrew, so."  Said Linda with an innocent face.
Arnold was upset by what she had said.
"Look Linda I'm just going to finish the report with you and after that errase my number because I don't want any more mistakes send my way."

"Why would you want to follow her Arnold, when she's receiving so much attention from someone else...and when you can have me instead." Said Linda flipping her hair and smiling at Arnold.

Arnold just walked away and left her standing alone.
"That's it I'm going to try to finish my report on my own, I can't believe her." Said Arnold as he was walking.

The rest of the day passed very fast Helga's was tryin to avoid Arnold at all cost. On the last 7 period class Arnold thought this is my chance I can met up with her on the way to class.
Arnold hurried up to catch up to Helga... has he saw her his blood boiled "Andrew!" said Arnold.

Andrew was escorting Helga to her last period class even if he didn't have that class with Helga. Arnold walked up to Helga and in front of Andrew Said "Helga I need to talk to you, now!"
"There's nothing to talk about." Said Helga very serious.
"Helga you need to know the truth." Insisted Arnold grabbing her shoulder.

"She doesn't want to talk to you!" Said Andrew.
Arnold lost it and pushed Andrew away...Andrew pushed him back, as both boys were about to hit each other with their fist ready, the assistant principal walk in on them.

"Mr. Cooper, Mr. Shortman detention Friday after school three hours, if this happens again I'll suspend the both of you... now go to class!"

The tardy bell rang and Helga looked at Arnold And ran to class.

During the last period Helga and Arnold sat several desk apart from each other. Arnold just kept thinking I can't give up, Helga must know the truth.

Helga couldn't concentrate in class she kept seeing Arnold trying desperately to talk to her...I can't stand seeing him this way, even if he humiliated me with that text I can't bare it, I prefer for him to go back to ignoring me like all those years.Thought Helga

The bell rang and Helga ran out of class to avoid Arnold. He knew after what had happen before class it was best to give Helga some space, he will continue try his best to win back Helga back to his arms.

Later that day...

Helga was home doing her homework and having a conversation with Phoebe.
"I'm telling Phoebe for a moment I thought Andrew and Arnold were going to fight..."

"But Helga why was Andrew escorting you to seven period class."

"I asked him Phoebe in first period class if he could walk with me to seven period, I didn't know Arnold was going to be so persistent with me after seeing Andrew."

"Helga you need to be careful, you don't want Andrew and Arnold fighting for you."

"But Arnold is talking to Linda, he even ask her for a photo."

"About that Helga, have you thought about the possibility that Linda may have send that photo on purpose because she likes Arnold, not necessarily because he ask her for it."

"It could be but that theory sounds to extreme, I mean why send a sexy photo of you just to catch a guys attention.?"

"If the girl is desperate enough or maybe she is jealous of you... there's a lot of scenarios."

"I don't know Phoebe my heart is telling me to love Arnold unconditionally but my head is telling me don't messed it up like FTi when I confess my love to him and then he insisted we got carried away."

"That was a long time ago Helga you must give Arnold the chance to prove his feelings for you are real."

"Your right.. then last night I dreamed of Arnold, it was strange I could see myself in his room and he was talking to me while I was passed out...He was telling me he couldn't lose me and that he loved me. Then later the dream change and I was in Chez Paris restaurant and he knew I was Cecil and he told me again that he loved me. After that I saw Arnold a third time and he put my hand on his heart and said that I know what's in his heart and that I was his true treasure."

"What a special dream Helga, you know dreams are very mysterious and can hold the truth to your feelings and even rarely the feelings of those around you, like Arnold maybe he told you something special when you were passed out and you don't remember but it's in your memory."

"Yes Phoebe maybe...but it sounds too much like a fantasy, I mean maybe it was just a dream.

"I don't think so Helga, you know my mom dream she met my father and even felt how much she loved him a year before they actually met. So I would take your dream more seriously.

"Your right Phoebe, I'll keep that in mind."

Then before Helga was going to bed she received a text from Arnold

"'Helga please meet up with me to talk, I don't want to lose you, sleep well."'

Helga saw the text and wanted to reply back to Arnold that she will meet him to talk, but then she remembered how bitchy Linda looked on the photo and she bit her lip and decided not to reply back to Arnold.

Helga kept thinking about the strange dream she had the night before, about Arnold knowing she was Cecil and about Arnold telling her, he loved her... could it be true everything that she dreamed, she thought.

Author Notes

I'm a true believer in dreams. Even on the Hey Arnold series Arnold dream in several episodes and Helga too.

Now about Arnold pushing Andrew, spoiler Alert...
Arnold will be push to the limit ;)

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