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The last bell of the day rung and Arnold reported to detention room.
"Arnold P. Shortman" said the teacher.
"Yes sir." Replied Arnold
"I have you on the list have a seat, I'll give you some assignments to work on."

Arnold walk through the room and notice Andrew wasn't there yet. He was already thinking how he was going to confront Andrew after detention.

A minute later Andrew arrived.
"Andrew Cooper?" asked the teacher
"Yes" he answered.
"Have a seat I'll pass some assignments." Said the teacher.

Andrew walked across the room to find an empty desk, when he saw Arnold staring angrily at him.

During the tree hours detention the class was very quiet, the teacher stepped outside the class for a minute when Andrew received a text message from a number he didn't recognize.

''" hey champ how's detention so far?"'

"' Helga is this your number?""

"' yes, how did you know it was me'"

''' you're the only one that calls me champ."'

"Your not going to get in trouble for texting right."'

'"The teacher stepped out, so till then I'm all yours'"

Arnold saw Andrew smiling a lot while texting and he quickly imagined he was texting Helga.
He became very anxious and desperate it took everything he got to control himself.

"'Stop flirting Andrew your making me nervous."'

'" Really I must be doing something right 😉""
"' I'll save your number now that I have it."'

'" well after what you told me today, you earned it.'"

'"Really did I earn anything else 😇""


'"I don't know... an oficial date from you'"

"'We're going to Rhonda's party tomorrow as friends what else do you want? 🤔""

"'So you do want to go to the party with me"'

"'Well you told Rhonda'"

"'Yes I did but, but you could have said no... and you didn't... so that means.."
"'You do like me'"

'" Mmmmm"'

'" Helga?"'


"' sweetie'"

"' can you stop with the sweetie! 😡""

"' lol "'

That's when Andrew's cheeks turn a little rosy, you could tell he really liked what he was texting... Arnold was still looking at him and wanted to grabbed his phone and crash it against the wall. That's when the teacher walked back to class.

"' the teacher is back... text you later."'

Arnold POV
I can't stand this, I know his texting Helga, my Helga... and Rhonda said they were going to her party together.... (Arnold exhaled) Come on Arnold think you don't want to make a stupid move and ruin everything... but I can't just let whatever is between them to continue happening...Helga I can't lose you.

The teacher stood up "Okay everyone sign the release sheet and you may go home."
Arnold was the first one to get up and sign out and Andrew was the last.

The halls were empty every one had left campus. Andrew was looking down at his phone heading to the exit when he looked up and saw Arnold walking fast towards him.

It happened in a flash, Arnold punched Andrew in the face with such force, he was thrown against the lockers. "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HELGA ALONE!! Yelled Arnold.
Andrew stood up and shook his head. "SHE DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU!!" and him back with such velocity and strength throwing Arnold hard against the floor.

Arnold was a bit disoriented but stood up quickly "HER HEART DOES!!" He Yelled as he swing his fist, Andrew moved fast and ducked avoiding the impact, that's when Andrew threw a punch at Arnold's stomach, which Arnold block. That's when he did a fast sweep kick knocking Andrew off his feet causing him to fall hard on the ground. While Andrew was on the floor Arnold looked down and yelled "HELGA LOVES ME...the only reason why she's not with me it's because someone placed a trap on us!"

Andrew slowly got up "Look Arnold, let's not fight in till get some things clear!"

Arnold had so much rage."I know what you want with Helga and it's not going to happen!!"

"How do you know Helga loves you, did she told you she loved you?!" asked Andrew.

Arnold was serious remembering their kiss, all of them, when she said in her sleep that she loved him and all those special moments they share together, but Arnold was a true gentleman he knew better then to talk about that much less with Andrew "She did long ago".

"How long ago Arnold?!" Asked Andrew.
"Four years ago." Replied Arnold not too proud of his answer
"And what have you done since then, did you tell her you liked her?!" Asked Andrew
"I LOVE HER!" Yelled Arnold
"DID YOU TELL HER!" Yelled Andrew
Arnold was quite.

"How many years took you to realize you loved her? Did you pay any attention to her all those years?" Asked Andrew upset.

Arnold's eyes widened, the comment hit Arnold like a rock in his heart.

"Then the only person you should be upset about is yourself!" said Andrew.

"Why did you walked Helga to Phoebe's Sunday night?" Asked Arnold breathing hard.

"If you must know...I got out of training late that night and I found her alone, scare and lost in the dark street...she was reliefs to have found me and to tell you the truth I'm glad I found her, being dress so nicely and walking alone on a bad, dark street is dangerous."
Said Andrew looking sincere.

Arnold didn't like the fact that Helga arrived with Andrew at Phoebe's, but then again he was glad to know she arrived safe and that meant more to Arnold then the disappointment of knowing that Helga and Andrew were together.

Andrew saw Arnold calmer by what he had said.
"Did you know Linda pay her a visit this morning?" Asked Andrew
"Helga told me" Replied Arnold
"I was with Helga when it happen, Linda told her you begged her for the photo and that you were stalking her."

"That's a lie!" Yelled Arnold
"I thought so... I told Helga not to believe her since the first couple of days of school she was flirting with me, trying to make me like her... since she couldn't get my attention, Linda turned to you.....I told Helga that you don't look like the type of guy that would pay attention to Linda."

"Did she believe you?" Asked Arnold looking sad

"I believe she did" Said Andrew

Arnold looked confused.
"I don't understand what do you get out of all this? why did you told Helga the truth?" Asked Arnold

"Because I want to make this fair and I couldn't stand seeing Helga hurt by what Linda told her."

"You saw her hurt?" Asked Arnold

"Look I'll leave Helga alone the day she tells me she loves you....till then I'll continue to be by her side, as long as she wants me there." Said Andrew

Arnold pause for a minute thinking.
"Nobody knows Helga better then me and I know what's in her heart, so don't expect to be by her side for long." Said Arnold being firm and secure by his comment.

Andrew pick up his phone and backpack and was about to leave when Arnold said.

"Oh and thank you for being honest to Helga about Linda."

Andrew just looked at Arnold and left.

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