Pink Rose

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Arnold felt such a horrible feeling in his heart, he had to call Helga even if it was in the middle of the night. He wanted to make sure she was okay. The dream felt so real to him, it was like it was trying to tell him something.

Could the dream have been a premonition of something that will happen? or maybe it was just a horrible nightmare. I can't imagine Helga hurt like that, my beloved Helga. Thought Arnold.

Arnold called Helga on the cell phone...

Her cell ring and ring. "Come on Helga pick up." Nothing she didn't pick. Arnold decided to call again. The phone was ringing and ringing. Arnold's heart was raising he had a hard time breathing. "Please Helga be okay pick up" Arnold told himself terrified.

"Hello" Helga's voice sounded low and broken, it was the most beautiful sound he could hear.

"Helga, my love are you okay?" He asked desperately.

"Mmmm... Football ball head.... I'm fine... what time is it?" she asked half sleep.

"Oh thank God, I was horrified of you being hurt." Said Arnold sounding more relief.

Helga was quiet on the phone.


"What football head I'm trying to sleep?!" she sounded tired and a bit frustrated.

"I'll let you sleep, I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Mmmm... yes, yes I'm okay now sleep Football head."

Arnold felt much better knowing Helga was save "Good night Helga."

Helga began snoring...

Arnold loved the sound of Helga sleeping, even her soft snoring was music to his ear, he hanged up to sleep at last.

As Helga was sleeping suddenly she open her eyes "Did he just called me, my love?" she told herself.

The next day Helga was wondering why did Arnold called her the night before and did he really say Helga my love.

Helga didn't have a chance to talk to Arnoldo before class so she decided to wait till lunch.

When Helga arrived at first period class there was a single pink rose on her desk with a small note that read you are special.

"Hey Helga how's your morning?" Asked Arnold as he was walking towards his desk.

"Thank you for the rose Football head I never imagine you giving me...."

Arnold interrupted disappointed in himself.

"It's...not from me Helga"

"If it's not from you then, who?" She asked thinking.

"Hi Helga, I see you're cheerful today." Said Andrew

"Is the rose from you?" she asked with tender eyes.

"Did the rose lifted you up?" Asked Andrew.

"Actually....Yes" Replied Helga smiling.

Andrew smiled back at her and grabbed Helga's hand "Than yes it's from me, after the way you were feeling last night I wanted to give you a little something to make your day brighter."

Helga just kept smiling at Andrew and before she could say a word. The bell rang for class to start.

Arnold's POV
When I walked in class I saw Helga holding a single pink rose and she looked so beautiful with it, I wished I could have taken a photo.

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