a new mission

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Chapter One

''Please...not again...just say i am not here.'', annoyed of the news Dark Link rolled his eyes and watched the red liquid in his wine glas, which he was balancing in his hand. ''But Master, you know how she is. She will stay until you speak with her...please... Last time i had to lock your room and hide the key to prevent her of going in your room. She became a monster and torture us!'', an underling explained and was afraid to go on his master's nerves.

As a servant of Dark Link, the first thing to know was that the temper of the dark knight was short and his emotions could always explode in a second and end with punishment. His butlers and underlings were also demons, but they were weak and not able to fight.

The tension in the throne room was already cold and dangerous, because Dark wasn't in a good mood. At such a time, all the servants of his castle tried not to meet their Master to avoid torture, but this time there was a visitor and it was a special one. The horror of all servants of Dark's castle. It was a woman, powerful, arrogant and madly in love with Dark Link or like she would call him her prince of darkness...

Cia, the wizard of Ganondorf and ruler of one of Ganondorf's strongholds at the Dark Realm.

If Ganondorf had news or a new job for the dark prince, Cia always asked the king to deliver the news to have a reason for a meeting with him. And lately it was very often that she visited the dark warrior and he wasn't pleased one bit.

Already angry of his life and his duties, he had to deal with her. He wasn't attracted to her, for him she was the most annoying person ever and he showed it with his rude attitude, but she didn't care. She was waiting for the day that he would give up and she would get what she wanted.

''Ohh...she wouldn't leave and i had to do some work and hide a little keyyy!'', Dark sang in a mocking tone. The servant froze in the spot and hold his breath, thinking of a way to calm him down and was waiting for the next sadistic move of his master with horror in his eyes. ''Sorry my Lord, but it's exhausting ...''

''But what?!'', Dark interrupted the poor creature with an angry shout, throwing his wine glas against the wall. The loud crash of the splitting glas echoed through the large throne room. ''You complain about something ridiculous. Dealing with Cia isn't as hard as dealing with Ganondorf. You don't know what hard work is!'', Dark shouted, his servant was shivering and kneeling in front of him.

Watching his weak servant, Dark stopped and sat down in his throne again pinching his nose with two fingers. Silence filled the room, but the tension was unbearable. ''I see...my servants are spoiled..maybe i have to give you more work to do.'', Dark said to himself and a demonic chuckle escaped his lips.

''Master, please..''...

''Stop that annoying pleading. I will leave and you will say that i am on a mission. If she got angry and torture you, then see it as your punishment.'', Dark interrupted him and started to get up from his seat. His servant relaxed of the calm tone of his master. This time he survived his temper.

''Good to see that i caught you before you leave for your ''mission''...'', a dangerous feminie voice appeared. Dark stopped eyes wide, watching the hall for the source of the voice. His red eyes stopped at the familiar purple one's. There she was standing in a corner of his throne room. His nightmare in black and purple clothes. Cia... Dark stepped forward to his servant, kneeling down to his form.

''The castle doors are open?'', Dark whispered to him, completely out of his usual character. Like they were buddies. ''They are locked, Master...i don't know how she could come inside..she is insane!..i told you!.'', the servant whispered back afraid of Cia.

She watched the childisch act of her dark prince and saved this image for her dreams. She took a close look of his appearance and wasn't disappointed. Normally Dark would wear his black tunic with his adorable black hat that covered his white locks, but this time she caught him in a different style. He looked like he just got up from a nap. His locks were falling in his face, without his hat and he just wore a white shirt with black pants. Some buttons of his shirt were undone and the sleeves were rolled up. At this sight he didn't look like a dangerous warrior, but you could see that he was a trained man.

Dark got back up again and the image of the friendly buddy was replaced with an arrogant look. ''Yeah...to see you hiding in that corner i suggest you have heard everything. What a pity..'', Dark made a thinking position. ''Is it possible to explain me how you come past the guards?'', Dark started and sat down in his throne and sighed.

''Oh Darky, why should i tell you that! i know that you want to know for the next time i will come.'', Cia said and walked forward until she was in front of him. ''You got me.. So what brings you hear again?'', Dark asked in a mocking tone and watched her with a dangerous glint in his eyes. In his mind he was counting from 10 down to control his temper and get this visit over him. He was angry that he couldn't escape. ''Darky, my love. I have news! From our great Lord Ganondorf. We have to attack Kakariko Village. Ganondorf wants to take over the temple of shadows for a ritual. So when do we start my prince?'', Cia asked and winked. Dark felt his blood boil and his anger rise.

''We? I will go alone. I don't need you. You will just be a burden. So if that's all, you can go now. I will visit Ganondorf for more informations.'', Dark answered and waited for her to leave.

''No way. you can't order who is going with you or not. Ganondorf said i have to...''

Suddenly Cia was pushed against a wall, Dark's hand was holding her up in the air. She was shocked of his strength and she couldn't breath. Her eyes widened. Dark came closer to her side and she could feel his hot breath against her ear.

''I think i already said that i will go alone. I don't like it to say things again and again. Your visit is over now so cut the crap and leave.'', he growled and let her fall to the ground. Cia was coughing and had to control her breathing. Her cheeks flamed red of the closeness she had with Dark. He started to leave, but stopped in his tracks. Cia watched his back, breathing loudly. ''If you ever call me these names again, i will hurt you really bad!'', he said in a calm tone and walked on. Cia smiled and was happy that she was the reason of his outburst. ''Oh don't be like that! I love it! I didn't know that you had such a strong grip! You touched me for the first time!'', Cia squealed and didn't care that she was close to death or that these emotions weren't good ones. She was obsessed with her love for Dark. ''By the goddesses....you are really insane..'', Dark facepalmed and started to leave.

''One day i will get what i want. I need just more time to take control of your mind and body...'', she thought and laughed out loud.

Dark reached his room and changed into his black tunic. He could see his image in a large mirror next to his bed. He looked dangerous and powerful, just the way he liked it. He concentrated all his energy and walked through the mirror. The next moment he was at Ganondorf's castle, ready for his next duty.

Ganondorf's place was bigger and darker than Dark's. Stalfos and Moblins were standing at every corner of the halls and were watching every step of the dark knight. For Dark it was too annoying. He was happy that he was alone at his castle and his servants knew that he loved the lonelioness and mostly that it was quiet. Dark stepped forward to the big throne and was greeted with a speer that landed next to him. Without a move or a sign of fear, Dark stopped and watched the evil king.

''Cold as always...how is life Dark Link?'', Ganondorf started.

''Like always. You have a mission?'', Dark asked with an emotionless face.

''On the point like everytime. Okay. Cia already informed you that we will attack Kakariko Village. I will go as well and take over the temple of shadows. Your job is easy. Destroy. Kill and do as i say.'', he explained with a demonic smile.

''As you wish...'', Dark answered and left the throne hall. How he hated it to do what Ganondorf orders. He was the strongest knight at the Dark Realm, but against Ganondorf he was nothing. He had to obey what the demon king says. Dark started to clean his sword and get his other weapons prepared for the fight.

Never did he imagine that this fight, this mission would change his world. His whole point of view, just because of one person... (Y/N)....

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